
← Current research project

New channels for student mobility in West Africa

Presentation of the project

The recent deve­lop­ment of regional educa­tional hubs in West Africa is part of a strong renewal of the local educa­tional offer for African students. From Senegal, where such hubs have recently emerged, the project examines the effects of this new educa­tional offer on student mobi­lity through three main axes. First, it examines the conse­quences of the arrival of relo­cated campuses (French, Leba­nese and Pan-African) on the Sene­ga­lese terri­tory on student mobi­lity circuits. It then addresses the process of crea­ting an inter­na­tional student recruit­ment market through the study of inter­me­dia­ries who recruit students on behalf of these insti­tu­tions. Finally, it inves­ti­gates the resha­ping of the social mobi­lity trajec­to­ries of African inter­na­tional students enrolled in this new trai­ning offer.

Principal investigator

Kevin Mary