Scientific Day – Institut Convergences Migrations 13 Septembre 2024 : Trembling Borders

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Friday, 13 September 2024 /​9h – 18h
Centre de colloques, Campus Condorcet – Aubervilliers

The 6th IC Migra­tions Scien­tific Confe­rence, orga­nized by the Insti­tu­te’s PhD students, will focus on the theme of “trem­bling borders”, in a situa­tion where some land borders are closing and others are appea­ring, reap­pea­ring or beco­ming more fragile. These pheno­mena are at the heart of world events. They reso­nate with the conflicts in Ukraine and Pales­tine, or Euro­pean migra­tion poli­cies, notably through the new Pact on Migra­tion and Asylum adopted by the Euro­pean Union in April 2024. Simi­larly, new national legis­la­tion, such as the immi­gra­tion law in France or UK’s migra­tion poli­cies, which exter­na­lize borders as far to Rwanda, high­light the arbi­trary and abstract nature of borders.

Since the early 2000s, with the emer­gence of Critical Border Studies, the scien­tific commu­nity has ceased to perceive the border, whether terri­to­rial or social, as a simple demar­ca­tion or line. Instead, the border is now seen as a constructed object, conti­nually redrawn, ques­tioned and some­times even revoked. Borders are also viewed as a lived expe­rience, putting the indi­vi­duals who expe­rience them in the fore­front. Moreover, the border as a demar­ca­tion point for social groups has long been studied as a space for construc­ting both self-iden­tity and that of the “Other”.

The Confe­rence will feature round tables, debates and scree­nings of artists’ and jour­na­lists’ work, in an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach.

What are borders ? Who creates them ? What dyna­mics emerge ? Who studies borders and how ? How do we approach state, natural, social, cultural and admi­nis­tra­tive borders, as well as racial, gender and linguistic borders ?

This Confe­rence is part of a wider series of scien­tific events devoted to borders and desi­gned to comple­ment each other : click here to find out more.

9h – 18h



Day’s coor­di­na­tion : Elef­theria (Elith) Kout­sioumpa, Marilou Sarrut
Orga­ni­zing committee : Yahya Al-Abdullah, Aline Desmas, Zara Salz­mann, Alice Elkouby-Croise


Centre de colloques, audi­to­rium 250
Campus Condorcet,
1 place du Front Populaire
93300 Aubervilliers
M12 Front Popu­laire (sortie n°2)

Access the Campus Condorcet