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De facto : unravelling current affairs on migration through facts

Editorial by François Héran, the CI Migration’s director and publication director

‘De facto’ was deli­be­ra­tely chosen as the name of this journal –a rather common yet tech­nical term. It sets forth the journal’s pros­pect : to give a critical outlook on current affairs as to migra­tion. Using a range of methods aiming to go past the wides­pread clichés on the causes and conse­quences of migra­tion –whether it be on the field, with facts, through unders­tan­ding orders of magni­tude or by mode­ra­ting points of view and compa­ring situa­tions rather than isola­ting them. Addres­sing migra­tion pheno­mena, de facto, implies compel­ling oneself to assess the gap between the real and the ideal. It entails acknow­led­ging the motives of one’s move and the motives behind a society’s atti­tude towards migrants (willin­gness to welcome and accept or anti-migra­tion senti­ments). De facto is driven by fact-checking as the remedy to the proli­fe­ra­tion of fake news. However, it offers to go beyond by succes­si­vely mobi­li­sing our fellows – resear­chers that work at the fore­front of migra­tion, regard­less of loca­tions and times, fields and resources, approaches and arguments.