CI Migration joins the IMISCOE network !

We are pleased to announce that the French Colla­bo­ra­tive Institut on Migra­tion (CI Migra­tion) has joined the Euro­pean IMISCOE network. The Board of Direc­tors of the IMISCOE network has just unani­mously approved the insti­tu­tional member­ship of CI Migra­tion to the Euro­pean IMISCOE network during its annual confe­rence in Oslo.

IMISCOE (Inter­na­tional Migra­tion Research Network) is Euro­pe’s largest network of scho­lars in the field of migra­tion and inte­gra­tion. The research network currently consists of 61 research insti­tutes from almost all Euro­pean coun­tries and from various disci­plines, inclu­ding socio­logy, poli­tical science, econo­mics, law, demo­graphy, public admi­nis­tra­tion, social geography and history.

Find out more about IMISCOE.