AAC : Call for papers : 31st AEMI conference on « Relations between diasporas and their home countries », 29 September – 3 October 2021, San Sebastian (Spain)—Limite : 30 April

The Asso­cia­tion of Euro­pean Migra­tion Insti­tu­tions (AEMI) is a network of forty orga­ni­za­tions located in Europe and working on the history of migra­tions in Europe, and on the litte­ra­ture produced on this topic. The AEMI was founded in Germany in 1991.

Every year since, members of this network come toge­ther in a different partner country to discuss their projects and research. Today, twenty Euro­pean coun­tries are repre­sented in the AEMI.

The theme of the 31st annual meeting is « Rela­tions between diaporas and their home coun​tries​.New migra­tions, return move­ments and histo­rical context (roots) ».

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