
International Conference
« Migration Triage and Experiences of Blocking : Africa, America, Europe »

21–24 June 2021, Nice (France) – University Côte d’Azur

Confe­rence in French, Spanish, English (simul­ta­neous translation)


On a global scale, many migrant popu­la­tions are stopped in their journey at inter­na­tional border or on the roads and places that are gradually built up as internal state borders. The poli­tical processes of conten­tion are currently a common deno­mi­nator of the produc­tion of blocked situa­tions. As part of a trans­for­ma­tion of the dyna­mics of control and surveillance, these poli­cies don’t succeed in comple­tely prohibit cros­sings, but do limit them and produce distinc­tions between people who will get access to desti­na­tion coun­tries and those who will encounter barriers. In spite of strong inter­na­tional injunc­tions, states have a space for nego­tia­ting their migra­tion poli­cies and arran­ge­ments, even if this space remains marked by patterns of domi­na­tion and dependence.

The « border effects » have in common that they confront migrants, like asylum seekers, with forms of blockage, thus leng­the­ning waiting periods, produ­cing new social dyna­mics, tempo­ra­li­ties and spatia­lity where various actors inter­vene. The objec­tive of the confe­rence is to analyze the diver­sity of migra­tory situa­tions produced by blockage at levels accor­ding to their produc­tion context. The aim of the event is to parti­ci­pate in the construc­tion of a compa­ra­tive frame­work to address these situa­tions by putting into pers­pec­tive the construc­tion of migra­tion poli­cies and their effects in Africa, Latin America and Europe.

Practical information and Registration 


To register for the confe­rence, please follow the link https://​frama​forms​.org/​i​n​s​c​r​i​p​t​i​o​n​-​a​u​-​c​o​l​l​o​q​u​e​-​t​r​i​-​m​i​g​r​a​t​o​i​r​e​-​n​ice-22 – 24-Jun-2021 – 1621473581

The public will be able to attend the sympo­sium in Nice upon regis­tra­tion. There is no regis­tra­tion fee. To follow the confe­rence from a distance, regis­tra­tion is also neces­sary, see the form.

Prac­tical Informations :

Place of the conference :
Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Sud-Est, 25 avenue Fran­çois Mitter­rand, 06300 Nice . Salle 031 (dite salle plate), rez-de-chaussée (côté opposé à la BU). Arrêt du tram St Jean d’An­gely Univer­sité, ligne 1

Infor­ma­tions for parti­ci­pants with communication :
All spea­kers from outside the city will be accom­mo­dated at Hôtel Monsigny, 17 Avenue Malaus­sena, 06000 Nice : https://​www​.hotel​mon​si​gny​nice​.com/

Break­fast is included on site. The hotel bene­fits from a quiet loca­tion, in the center of Nice on the main axis with commer­cial faci­li­ties and direct access to all trans­port. The hotel is served by the Tram line N°1, it is 5 minutes walk from the train station. From the airport, Tram N°2 then Tram N°1.

To go from the hotel to the confe­rence place, take the Tram line N°1 in the direc­tion of Hôpital Pasteur (no change). Allow about 20–25 minutes for the trip.

For remote participation :

All pre-regis­tered parti­ci­pants will receive links to connect to the sessions in the days leading up to the event. The choice of language will be made once connected.

For any specific ques­tion, please write to : Colloque.​TriMigBloc@​gmail.​com

Organizing Committee an Institutional Support 

Florence Boyer, URMIS/​IRD et GERMES Niger
Laurent Faret, CESSMA/​Université de Paris et IRD/​CIESAS Mexique
Fran­çoise Lestage, URMIS/​Université de Paris
Dolores París, COLEF Mexique
Swanie Potot, CNRS/​URMIS Nice

URMIS, CESSMAel Colegio de la Fron­tera Norte, Obser­va­toire des migra­tions dans les Alpes Maritimes. 

Institut Conver­gence Migra­tions (ICM), Institut de la Recherche pour le Déve­lop­pe­ment (IRD), Institut des Amériques (IDA), Fédé­ra­tion Sciences Sociales Suds (F3S), Univer­sité de Paris, Univer­sité Côte d’Azur
