AAP : Call for project « IC Migrations – Palestine », IC Migrations, An-Najah University — First deadline : October 20, 2024

The Institut Conver­gences Migra­tions in coope­ra­tion with An-Najah National Univer­sity (Naplus, Pales­tine) seeks to support the deve­lop­ment of colla­bo­ra­tive action-research projects on migra­tion in the Pales­ti­nian context.

This « Pales­tine » call for projects (find an entire version in french, english and arabic below) is desi­gned to address the dire circum­stances in Gaza and the West Bank, parti­cu­larly in terms of access to educa­tion and heal­th­care. These two major issues have reached unpre­ce­dented levels due to the nearly total destruc­tion of infra­struc­ture on one hand , and the new massive dyna­mics of forced or obstructed mobi­lity in Gaza and the West Bank on the other. The IC Migra­tions call for projects aims to faci­li­tate the swift and effec­tive reali­za­tion of research initia­tives that can support these urgent needs, in close colla­bo­ra­tion with local actors and research teams.

Non-exhaus­tive issues iden­ti­fied for the Call for Projects :

  • Educa­tion
  • Recep­tion
  • Health and mental health
  • Mobi­lity and forced or prevented displacement

The IC Migra­tions-Pales­tine initia­tive prio­ri­tizes a colla­bo­ra­tive approach by enga­ging directly with local research teams and institutions.

Budget :
The minimum amount of support will be no less than €10,000 ;
The maximum amount of support will not exceed €25,000.

Time­line :

  • October 1, 2024 : Call for projects published
  • October 20, 2024 : Letter of intent submission
  • December 20, 2024 : Full project submission
  • January 2025 : Selec­tion committee meeting
  • February 2025 : Project start date
  • July 2025 : IMISCOE Euro­pean Migra­tion Research Week at Campus Condorcet /​Pales­tine round­table + project disse­mi­na­tion for Euro­pean academic partnership

The moda­li­ties for imple­men­ting the projects and their funding/​eligible expenses will be speci­fied at a later stage, after recep­tion of the letters of intent.

Please find the entire Call in French, English and arabic below, or by clicking on this link :
