Grief activism and the creation of communities across borders

Interview with Maurice Stierl, sociologist and geographer

While Europe’s hostile border regime kills thousands of migrants every year, “grief activism” seeks to build cross-border communities through the commemoration of border atrocities and their victims. To engage the trauma of death and disappearance and protest border violence, CommemorActionshave emerged, through which families of the disappeared and activists build complex communities across borders.

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Maurice Stierl leads the research group The Produc­tion of Know­ledge on Migra­tion at the Insti­tute for Migra­tion Research and Inter­cul­tural Studies, Osna­brück Univer­sity. Before, he was a lecturer in Inter­na­tional Rela­tions at the Univer­sity of Shef­field. He has also taught at the Univer­sity of Warwick and the Univer­sity of Cali­fornia, Davis. His research focuses on migra­tion struggles in contem­po­rary Europe and (Northern) Africa and is broadly situated in the fields of Inter­na­tional poli­tical socio­logy, poli­tical geography, and migra­tion, citi­zen­ship and border studies.

Citer cet article

Maurice Stierl, « Grief acti­vism and the crea­tion of commu­ni­ties across borders », in : Filippo Furri et Linda Haapa­järvi (dir.), Dossier « “People not numbers” : Retrouver la trace des morts aux fron­tières », De facto [En ligne], 38 | Juin 2024, mis en ligne le 19 juin 2024. URL :–02/


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