CONF : 2nd Junior Workshop on the Economics of Migration — 25–26 juin 2024, LISER, Luxembourg

The Junior Work­shop on the Econo­mics of Migra­tion is a joint initia­tive of CERDI, PSE, LISER, the Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg, Univer­sidad Carlos III, CEPII, and the IC Migrations.

June 25–26, 2024
LISER, Belval, Luxembourg
Dedi­cated web page
Contact : economig2024@​sciencesconf.​org

It offers Ph.D. students and early-stage resear­chers (post-docs and assis­tant profes­sors with less than 3 years of expe­rience) an oppor­tu­nity to share their work in a construc­tive envi­ron­ment, as well as to exchange the results of recent research in different fields of migra­tion economics.

This work­shop follows the spirit of the online webinar series on the econo­mics of migra­tion, an initia­tive that was laun­ched in April 2020 to provide a plat­form for econo­mists working on migra­tion to present their work virtually.

The first edition of the work­shop took place on June 15–16, 2023, at the IC Migra­tions, Paris.

The Luxem­bourg Insti­tute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) is a public research insti­tute located in Belval, Luxem­bourg that was initiated in 1989 and esta­bli­shed in 2014. LISER’s missions are to under­take both funda­mental and applied research in social sciences in order to advance know­ledge, support public policy both at the national and Euro­pean level and inform society.

Find below, or on this link, a program of the day :
