PUBLI : Claudia Astarita, « The Impact of International Education and Cultural Empowerment in the Global Job Market », Journal of Chinese Overseas, vol. 19, n°2, 2023


This article chal­lenges the idea that inter­na­tional educa­tion only has posi­tive spillover effects on the students going through it, asses­sing students’ capa­city to unders­tand and, if possible, explore new working oppor­tu­ni­ties in the host country. It discusses to what extent an inter­na­tional educa­tion expe­rience and regular expo­sure to an alter­na­tive educa­tional, social, and working envi­ron­ment could provide oppor­tu­ni­ties for students to broaden and deepen their views and percep­tions of the world, and to use cultural capital gained from inter­na­tional mobi­lity to increase their employa­bi­lity in the global job market.

Based on a study conducted among a small group of Chinese students based in France, this article high­lights when, how, and under which circum­stances students’ mobi­lity capital is unders­tood and explored as a new source of economic oppor­tu­ni­ties, discus­sing moti­va­tions and inte­gra­tion in the expe­riences of Chinese inter­na­tional students.

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