PUBLI : Johann Cailhol, Soline de Monteynard, Hélène Bihan, Lucie Campagné et Cyril Crozet, « Perceptions of multiple chronic conditions and coping strategies among migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa living in France with diabetes mellitus and HIV : An interview-based qualitative study », PLoS ONE, 2023


Although diabetes is common among people living with HIV/​AIDS (PLWHA), few data exists on how migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) expe­rience living with these two coexis­ting condi­tions in France. The objec­tive of this study was to analyze percep­tion of poly­pa­tho­logy among PLWHA from SSA with type 2 diabetes and iden­tify barriers and faci­li­ta­tors to their self-mana­ge­ment. A quali­ta­tive study was conducted using semi-struc­tured inter­views from November 2019 to April 2020 with parti­ci­pants selected from a cohort of PLWHA and diabetes at Avicenne Univer­sity Hospital. A total of 12 semi-struc­tured inter­views were conducted and analyzed using thematic analysis with induc­tive approach. Stigma remained a major issue in self-mana­ging HIV, and some parti­ci­pants did not consider them­selves as having a poly­pa­tho­logy, as HIV has always been consi­dered as a distinct condi­tion. In general, emotion-based resources (e.g spiri­tua­lity, trust in the medical discourse) and social support were mobi­lized more than problem-solving resources (e.g percep­tion of medi­ca­tion as life-saving). Parti­ci­pants used the same main resource in self-mana­ge­ment of HIV and diabetes, and resources used differed from parti­ci­pant to parti­ci­pant. This study high­lighted chal­lenges in self-mana­ge­ment of diabetes and HIV in this popu­la­tion and complexity related to the socioe­co­nomic and cultural speci­fi­ci­ties. Self-mana­ge­ment could be more successful if patients and carers move in the same direc­tion, having iden­ti­fied the indi­vi­dual coping resources to reach objectives.

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