« Greece has been one of the most difficult places to ask for asylum in the last couple of years » states Alice Latouche, France 24, June 15th 2023

After the ship­wreck that has killed at least 79 migrants in the Aegean Sea last week, Alice Latouche, Phd resear­cher in socio­logy and fellow of the French Colla­bo­ra­tive Insti­tute on Migra­tion, has been inter­viewed by France24 to explain the push­backs happe­ning on the Greek coast and the respon­si­bi­lity of Euro­pean offi­cials and authorities.

She explains : « Espe­cially since 2020 push­backs have been the usual prac­tice of the Greek coast­gards in the Aegean Sea. Most of the migrants that come through Turkey and want to go to Greece have to go through push­backs. […] All the boats that are coming through the sea are stopped by the Greek coast­gards, they take all people in the boat, they put them on their boats and then they will leave them on an emer­gency boat without any help in the Turkish sea. »

She proposes to « follow the law », since push­backs are against the exis­ting legis­la­tion and argues for the right to asylum : « Every person who want to ask for asylum in Europe, should be able to ask for asylum ».

Watch the whole interview :