JOB : Postdoc « Shrivastava Family Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Immigration Research », George Mason University, Institute for Immigration Research, USA — DEADLINE : 14/​07/​2023

The George Mason Univer­sity, Insti­tute for Immi­gra­tion Research (IIR) invites appli­ca­tions for a one-year, rene­wable (up to three years) posi­tion as the Shri­vas­tava Family Post­doc­toral Research Fellow in Immi­gra­tion Research. The successful candidate’s areas of specia­li­za­tion will include immi­gra­tion, economic, social and poli­tical conse­quences of migra­tion, quality of life, and the overall issues related to immi­gra­tion policy. This posi­tion is critical to the success of the IIR and requires the full unders­tan­ding and active parti­ci­pa­tion in fulfilling the mission of the IIR.

Full details are avai­lable here https://​jobs​.gmu​.edu/​p​o​s​t​i​n​g​s​/57318For full consi­de­ra­tion, appli­cants must apply for posi­tion number F9626z at https://​jobs​.gmu​.edu/ by July 14, 2023.