CONF : Conference « Norms for a New World Order » with Paul Romer — Wednesday 25th January 2023, 5.30 pm – 7 pm, Science Po, Paris


In many coun­tries, voters clearly demons­trated their oppo­si­tion to large waves of immi­gra­tion. This situa­tion leads to illegal immi­gra­tion with its share of tragic situa­tions. On the other hand, it is essen­tial to guarantee the borders of nation-states. Current events show us how viola­ting borders is a major threat to peace. What is the response to these two impe­ra­tives consi­dered today as irreconcilable ?

In this lecture, Paul Romer, Nobel Laureate 2018, will present the idea of esta­bli­shing new long-lived but tempo­rary juris­dic­tions that could meet the need to recon­cile sove­rei­gnty with a humane sense of a respon­si­bi­lity to protect people who are in despe­rate need.

A former Chief Econo­mist of the World Bank (2016–2018), Prof. Paul Romer received the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences (shared with William Nord­haus) for his work in endo­ge­nous growth theory, accor­ding to which the invest­ment in human capital, inno­va­tion, and know­ledge is the funda­mental driver of growth .

In his Keynote Lecture, Paul Romer will discuss the idea of crea­ting new long-lived but tempo­rary juris­dic­tions that can recon­cile sove­rei­gnty with a humane sense of respon­si­bi­lity to protect people on the move, who are in despe­rate need.

On Thursday, Jan 26th, we propose 5 addi­tional round tables with outs­tan­ding resear­chers and policy makers. They will discuss major chal­lenges and solu­tions in the Middle East, Ukraine, the new insti­tu­tional order, and the new digital gover­nance. Regis­tra­tion to attend these round tables in person is closed. It will be possible to attend online, see in the programme.

Discover the entire program of the confe­rence here and sign up here.