PUBLI : Fabion Perocco (Dir.), Migration and Torture in Today’s World, Edizioni Ca’Foscari, 2023, 302 p.


This book analyses torture, inhuman and degra­ding treat­ment towards migrants world­wide, inte­gra­ting over­views from several contexts and disci­plines. It high­lights that today migrants’ mistreat­ment is a global pheno­menon, a frequent element of the migra­tory expe­rience (in coun­tries of depar­ture, of transit, of arrival), an intrinsic component of state poli­cies, and an extreme form of that struc­tural violence which is inherent to the contem­po­rary war on migrants at the global level.


Torture and Racism
A Brief Insight into an Age-Old and Inti­mate Relationship
Iside Gjergji

Tortu­ring Envi­ron­ments and Migration
Pau Pérez-Sales Andrea Galán-Santa­ma­rina Julia Manek

The Border is the Violence
War, Empire and Migrants in the Making of the US-Mexico Border
Alexander Aviña

Torture, Migra­tion, and State Violence in Contem­po­rary Spain
Olga Jubany Alèxia Rué

Replay of Torture Across ‘Other’ Places and ‘Europe’
The Case of Migra­tion at the Bosnian-Croa­tian Border
Karolína Augus­tová

Towards the Lega­li­sa­tion of Push­backs and Inhuman Treat­ment in Greece
The Case of Evros/​Meriç Border
Eleni Takou

Relo­ca­tion of Torture and ‘State Torture’
Read­mis­sion Agree­ments, Exter­na­li­sa­tion of Borders and Closure of Ports in the Medi­ter­ra­nean Sea
Ales­sandra Algostino

The Expe­rience of Undo­cu­mented Women and Chil­dren in Deten­tion Centres in Belgium
Ill-Treat­ment or Torture ?
Nouria Ouali

Tortu­ring Them out of the Country
The Israeli Asylum Seeker ‘System’ and Its Torture-Like Policies
Diego Alberto Biancolin

Migra­tion, Violence, Mental Health
Psycho­trau­ma­to­logy, Health Poli­cies and Protection

Massi­mi­liano Aragona Salva­tore Geraci Marco Mazzetti

Refe­rence page