PUBLI : Sharron FitzGerald and Jane Freedman, Gender, Equality and Social Justice Anti Trafficking, Sex Work and Migration Law and Policy in the EU, Routledge, 2022, 160p.


This book addresses a gap in both contem­po­rary theo­ri­sing and empi­rical analysis of the Euro­pean Union’s (EU) law and policy frame­works on migra­tion, sex work and anti traf­fi­cking. Drawing on the authors’ previous research on these poli­cies and with their prac­tical expe­rience of enga­ging with various EU insti­tu­tions in law and policy-making fora around gender, equa­lity and justice, the work examines the processes involved in construc­ting and enac­ting policy frame­works and legal inter­ven­tions on these issues, within a femi­nist analy­tical frame­work. The authors map how EU agenda-setting operates, and detail the roles that various EU insti­tu­tions, external groups and actors, inclu­ding non-govern­mental orga­ni­sa­tions, play in promo­ting or blocking policy on these three issues. The book draws on femi­nist theo­ri­sing on gender, policy-making and social justice to develop a general theo­re­tical frame­work to help us unders­tand how and why a consensus has seemingly been achieved at EU level on what consti­tutes gender equa­lity in these three policy areas. The book presents a valuable resource for acade­mics, resear­chers and policy makers in Law, Migra­tion, EU policy making and Gender Studies.

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