JOB : Associate Professor, Health Inequalities and Social Policy, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg — LIMITE : 15/​06/​2022

The Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg aspires to be a world-class research univer­sity. It strives for excel­lence in both funda­mental and applied research, and in educa­tion. It drives inno­va­tion for society, has a high propor­tion of graduate students, and inter­t­wines research, teaching and societal impact.

The Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg has the profile of a research univer­sity with a strong acti­vity in research, a high propor­tion of doctoral candi­dates and success in inter­na­tio­nally compe­ti­tive third-party funding, combined with excellent research-driven teaching throu­ghout the Univer­sity. The Univer­sity has three missions : research, higher educa­tion and contri­bu­tion to the social, cultural and economic deve­lop­ment of the country.

The Faculty of Huma­ni­ties, Educa­tion and Social Sciences (FHSE) brings toge­ther exper­tise from the huma­ni­ties, linguis­tics, cogni­tive sciences, social and educa­tional sciences. People from across 20 disci­plines are working within the Faculty. Along with the disci­pli­nary approach a very ambi­tious inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research culture has been developed.

The faculty’s research and teaching focuses on socialeconomicpoli­tical and educa­tional issues with the common goal of contri­bu­ting to an inclu­sive, open and resour­ceful society. The FHSE offers four Bachelor and 15 Master degrees and a doctoral school provi­ding students with the neces­sary know­ledge and high-quali­fied skills to succeed in their future career.

Your Role

The posi­tion is affi­liated with the research group on socio-economic inequa­lity (IRSEI) in the Depart­ment of Social Sciences. The holder of this posi­tion will make a signi­fi­cant contri­bu­tion to the analysis of socio-economic inequa­li­ties with a focus on health outcomes and policy responses to miti­gate social and health inequa­li­ties versus heath dispa­ri­ties. This profile could include the sector of social epide­mio­logy and health of the popu­la­tion related to themes (e.g. mental health, obesity, ageing, after­math of covid-19, etc.).

The Asso­ciate Professor is expected to contri­bute to the institute’s research streams ‘Health Inequa­li­ties’ and ‘Social Policy and Welfare Regime Trans­for­ma­tions’. She or he can further contri­bute to the research streams on ‘Dyna­mics of Stra­ti­fi­ca­tion and Inequa­li­ties’ and ‘Popu­la­tion Studies, Socioe­co­no­mics and Ageing’.

Teaching areas

The holder will teach at the Bachelor and Master level in the social and educa­tional sciences in parti­cular the “Bachelor en Sciences Sociales et Educa­tives” (preferred teaching language : French). She/​he will contri­bute to teaching in the Doctoral School of the Faculty.

What we expect from you

  • An inter­na­tional research profile in Socio­logy, Social Policy Analysis, and/​or Public Health
  • Exper­tise and track record in studies on socio-economic inequalities
  • A compe­ti­tive publi­ca­tion record
  • Exper­tise in quan­ti­ta­tive large-scale cross-national data analysis will be consi­dered an asset

Quali­fi­ca­tions, expe­rience, aptitude :

  • Ph.D. in Socio­logy, Econo­mics, or Social Policy
  • A minimum of five years post-doctoral expe­rience in a univer­sity or research centre
  • Univer­sity-level teaching expe­rience ; post­gra­duate level teaching experience
  • An inter­na­tional research profile as evidenced by peer-reviewed publi­ca­tions, confe­rence presen­ta­tions and the colla­bo­ra­tion in inter­na­tional research initiatives
  • Expe­rience in outreach acti­vi­ties to poli­cy­ma­kers and stake­hol­ders will be consi­dered as an asset
  • Expe­rience with inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research
  • Peda­go­gical aptitude
  • Fluent command of French will be consi­dered an asset

Language requi­re­ments

The Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg is set in a multi­lin­gual context. The person hired on this posi­tion must be profi­cient in English and either French or German. The Univer­sity encou­rages its staff to learn the other language and provides access to language courses to this end.

In Short…

  • Contract Type : Perma­nent (tenured)
  • Work Hours : Full Time 40.0 Hours per Week
  • Loca­tion : Belval
  • Job Refe­rence : UOL04967

How to apply

We encou­rage early application.
To ensure full consi­de­ra­tion, candi­dates should apply by July, 15th 2022.

Submit appli­ca­tion within time­line esta­bli­shed including :

  • cover letter ;
  • curri­culum vitae inclu­ding infor­ma­tion on external research funding and colla­bo­ra­tive funding acquired and most rele­vant acti­vi­ties related to outreach to policymakers ;
  • copies of diplomas ;
  • list of publications ;
  • list of courses taught ;
  • short­list of five most rele­vant publications ;
  • a sample of 3 research papers most rele­vant to the posi­tion (publi­shed or not);
  • a list of three refe­rees with contact details and their rela­tion­ship to you.

to : Prof. Dr. Georg Mein /​Dean of the Faculty of Huma­ni­ties, Educa­tion and Social Sciences
Email : georg.​mein@​uni.​lu

All appli­ca­tions will be handled in the stric­test confidence.

The Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg is an equal oppor­tu­ni­ties employer. The Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg wants to achieve gender parity in its academic posi­tions and wants to elimi­nate obstacles to the recruit­ment of female profes­sors and to their career deve­lop­ment. In case candi­dates present equi­va­lent CVs, the Univer­sity will give the prefe­rence to women in all depart­ments where gender parity is not yet achieved.

Further infor­ma­tion

Prof. Dr. Louis Chauvel
Phone (+352) 46 66 44 9618
Email : louis.​chauvel@​uni.​lu

Refe­rence page