ANN : Executive Master in European law on Migration & Asylum, Odysseus Academic Network, September 2022 – July 2023, online — LIMITE : 01/​07/​2022


The Odys­seus Academic Network announces the revival of its Execu­tive Master in Euro­pean Law on Migra­tion and Asylum, a unique program enti­rely devoted to EU Law and Policy on Migra­tion and Asylum taking place online from September 2022 till July 2023.
The 2022 Odys­seus Summer School is acces­sible for free to the parti­ci­pants who register to the Execu­tive Master program !

In a nutshell 

  • All courses online, inclu­ding some gathe­rings in Brus­sels with the professors 
  • To acquire in-depth know­ledge of EU migra­tion & asylum law, Inclu­ding the latest and most contro­ver­sial developments
  • A program legally oriented but also acces­sible to non-jurists
  • Acces­sible to students but also profes­sio­nals (courses on Friday evenings & Saturday mornings)
  • Profes­sors from all Member States among the top specia­lists in this field, inclu­ding prac­ti­tio­ners from Euro­pean Commis­sion, Parlia­ment and Council
  • Small group with inter­ac­tive courses
  • The right place to build a profes­sional network
  • Three modules : Intro­duc­tion, Migra­tion (inclu­ding visas & borders), Asylum
  • Courses inclu­ding theory and prac­tical elements, inclu­ding writing a blog post to be publi­shed on the Odys­seus blog
  • Trai­nee­ship and research opportunities

More infor­ma­tion


Down­load the brochure

The closing date for appli­ca­tions has been set for 1 July 2022.
