PUBLI : Linda Guerry et Françoise Thébaud (Dir.), Dossier « Women, gender and migration », Clio. Women, Gender, History, vol. 51, n° 1, 2022


This issue of Clio is devoted to a topic of consi­de­rable poli­tical and scho­larly interest at the present time : it consi­ders the histo­rical rela­tions between women, gender and migra­tion. Drawing on fresh sources and approaches, the articles gathered here are concerned with large-scale migra­tions, from Anti­quity to the very contem­po­rary period : they advance new inter­pre­ta­tions of migra­tory move­ments, and demons­trate the agency of women migrants as well as the gender-related constraints within migra­ting popu­la­tions. They also explore the ways in which migra­tion may affect femi­ni­nity and mascu­li­nity and socio-sexual roles, using the concept of the re-orde­ring of gender.

Refe­rence page