CONF : Workshop « Family Migration in Times of Crisis » — Tuesday, 15 June 2021, 1:30pm – 4:30pm (CET), online

The ‘Family Migra­tion in Times of Crisis’ work­shop will explore the impacts of crisis on family migra­tion, how family migrants respond to crises, and inter­t­wined tempo­ra­li­ties of crisis and migra­tion. The crises to be consi­dered include, most obviously, the Covid-19 pandemic and its impacts on cross-border move­ment, key services, and parti­cular popu­la­tions ; but could also include refugee crises, Brexit, recent events on the US-Mexico border, and other water­shed moments in national, local or personal contexts. By inclu­ding crises at the personal level, we invite consi­de­ra­tion of how indi­vi­dual or fami­lial periods of parti­cular chal­lenge are inter­re­lated with processes of family migra­tion, and new explo­ra­tions of the rela­tion­ships between the personal and poli­tical in this context.

If you wish to attend the event without presen­ting, please send your inquiry to : runomi@​ru.​nl.
There will be a virtual ”bar” after the work­shop for informal networ­king and catching up.