PUBLI : Martha Montero Sieburth, Rosa Mas Giralt, Noemi Garcia-Arjona et Joaquín Eguren, Family Practices in Migration : Everyday Lives and Relationships, Routledge, 2021, 276p. 

This book places family at the centre of discus­sions about migra­tion and migrant life, seeing migrants not as isolated indi­vi­duals, but as rela­tional beings whose fami­lial connec­tions influence their migra­tion deci­sions and trajectories.

Parti­cu­larly prio­ri­ti­sing the voices of chil­dren and young people, the book inves­ti­gates everyday family prac­tices to illu­mi­nate how migrants and their signi­fi­cant others do family, paren­ting or being a child within a family, both trans­na­tio­nally and locally. Themes covered include undo­cu­mented status, unac­com­pa­nied children’s asylum seeking, adoles­cents” « dark sides », second gene­ra­tion return migra­tion, home-making, belon­ging, nationality/​citizenship, peer rela­tions and kinship, and good mothe­ring. The book deploys a wide range of metho­do­lo­gical approaches and tools (multi-sited ethno­gra­phies, parti­ci­pant obser­va­tion, inter­views and crea­tive methods) to capture the ordi­nary, spatially extended and inter­per­sonal dyna­mics of migrant family lives.

Drawing on a range of cross-cutting disci­plines, geogra­phical areas and diver­sity of levels and types of expe­riences on part of the editors and authors, this book will be of interest to resear­chers across the fields of migra­tion, child­hood, youth and family studies.

Table of Contents

Intro­duc­tion : Family prac­tices in migra­tion : Everyday lives and relationships
Martha Montero-Sieburth and Rosa Mas Giralt

Part I : Personal commu­ni­ties of migrant chil­dren and youth

1. Expe­riences of child­hood ‘ille­ga­lity’ for 1.5 gene­ra­tion Latinx youth in Texas : ‘Never tell anyone about your status’
Cynthia V. Cueva-Luna, Proteknôn

2.Case studies across national boun­da­ries : unders­co­ring nuanced factors in migrant peer youth groups
Martha Montero-Sieburth and Domi­ziana Turcatti

3.: Honduran children’s views on migra­ting to Barce­lona : Narra­tives of violence, hard­ship and family strategies
Miquel Marto­rell-Faus and Silvia Carrasco

4. Portu­guese migrant descen­dant retur­nees from Canada : the role of family in processes of return
João Sardinha

Part II : Doing family in migra­tion : fluid prac­tices, affi­lia­tions and inti­macy roles

5.: Home without family, family without home : Young migrants’ expe­riences of home and rela­tion­ships in the city of Brussels
Shannon Damery

6. My mother’s country : Rela­tional natio­na­lity and trans­na­tional family ties
Betty de Hart

7. Mothers who cross borders : Family care networks in the homes of immi­grant mothers
Ana Lucía Hernández Cordero

8. Family narra­tives and moving inti­ma­cies in an Indian diaspora
Sara Bonfanti

Part III : Parti­ci­pant-centred and rela­tional approaches in resear­ching migrants’ personal lives

9. Narra­tives of mothe­rhood : Seeking asylum
Kate Smith and Kelly Lockwood

10. Reflec­tions on a commu­nity based parti­ci­pa­tory research project with unac­com­pa­nied asylum-seeking children
Sam Carr, Justin Rogers and Caro­line Hickman

11. The resear­cher as a shape­shifter in the field : Chal­lenges in doing field­work with trans­na­tional migrant families
Esra Demirkol Colosio

12.Trans­for­ming the Pause of Life for Female Asylum Seekers into Action : Empo­werment through Dance and Movement
Hana Alhadi

Conclu­ding thoughts on family prac­tices in migration
Rosa Mas Giralt, Noemi Garcia-Arjona and Martha Montero-Sieburth


Page de réfé­rence : https://​www​.rout​ledge​.com/​F​a​m​i​l​y​-​P​r​a​c​t​i​c​e​s​-​i​n​-​M​i​g​r​a​t​i​o​n​-​E​v​e​r​y​d​a​y​-​L​i​v​e​s​-​a​n​d​-​R​e​l​a​t​i​o​n​s​h​i​p​s​/​M​o​n​t​e​r​o​-​S​i​e​b​u​r​t​h​-​G​i​r​a​l​t​-​G​a​r​c​i​a​-​A​r​j​o​n​a​-​E​g​u​r​e​n​/​p​/​b​o​o​k​/​9​7​8​0​3​6​7​677251