PUBLI : Simeng Wang, Chinese Migrants in Paris. The Narratives of Illusion and Suffering, Brill, Chinese Overseas, 2021, 202 p. 

This research employs the narra­tive of mental suffe­ring as a prism through which to study Chinese migra­tion in France. It provides new analy­tical angles and new pers­pec­tives on the para­doxical exis­tence and condi­tions of the migrants, and traces the social links between indi­vi­duals and socie­ties, objec­ti­vity and subjec­ti­vity, the real and the imaginary.

The ethno­gra­phic survey in this study is situated in the context of the trans­for­ma­tion of Chinese society over the last forty years. Dr. Wang decons­tructs the stereo­types of Chinese people, demons­trates the dyna­mics of social mobi­li­ties and hete­ro­ge­neous living condi­tions of Chinese migrants, who expe­rience and narrate happi­ness as well as pain, joy as well as sorrow, and hope as well as despair.

The trans­versal approach used to analyse the hete­ro­ge­neity within an ethnic group will be of interest to scho­lars of migra­tion studies in general.

Le livre est par ailleurs dispo­nible en fran­çais aux Éditions rue d’Ulm (Paris, 2017), dans la collec­tion « Sciences sociales » dirigée par Florence Weber.

Page de réfé­rence : https://​brill​.com/​v​i​e​w​/​t​i​t​l​e​/56165