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Reconsidering Free Movement

A workshop series : 27/​05, 28/​05, 01/​06, 02/​06, 10am-1pm, online

The purpose of the work­shop is to bring toge­ther people from different disci­plines and who study different regions or topics to reflect toge­ther on free move­ment, its defi­ni­tions, the struggles for and against free move­ment, as well as for its defi­ni­tion – a longer-term objec­tive is a collec­tive publi­ca­tion on this topic. 

The aim is to explore free move­ment not so much from a norma­tive pers­pec­tive, but in prac­tice : how are prac­tices of free move­ment set up and working (inclu­ding in cases where they might not be labelled as such)? How, in other cases, is the free move­ment of persons restricted ? How are processes officially geared at setting up free move­ment working in prac­tice ? Who are the various actors of free move­ment and how do they make sense of their prac­tices ? Who are the people defen­ding free move­ment, how do they define it and fight for it ? In order to inter­ro­gate this, we are inter­ested in gene­ra­ting a collec­tive discus­sion between people who have not neces­sa­rily worked on processes usually falling under the label of ‘free move­ment’, but which allow us to think about it.

We are parti­cu­larly inter­ested in :

  • ques­tio­ning genea­lo­gies and histo­ries of free move­ment, or of different defi­ni­tions or expe­riences of free movement ;
  • ques­tio­ning the different spaces and scales of free movement ;
  • ques­tio­ning the logics of inclu­sion and exclu­sion at play ;
  • exami­ning and compa­ring the differen­tiated dyna­mics of free move­ment for persons, goods and capital ;
  • exami­ning the actors of free move­ment and their practices.

LIBRCIRC project is funded by the Institut Conver­gences Migrations.
Project coor­di­nated by Nora El Qadim and the LIBRCIRC team : Emma­nuel Blan­chard, Sara Casella Colom­beau, Olivier Clochard, Camille Gendrot, Laura Odasso, Hélène Thiollet, Antoine Pécoud.


Coor­di­nator : Nora El Qadim