Registration now open !

Regis­tra­tion for the first inter­na­tional confe­rence of the CIMi­gra­tion is now open ! The objec­tive of the confe­rence is to stimu­late a dialogue between the research led by the fellows and inter­na­tional research hots­pots. The confe­rence provides focused entry points for debates along five cutting-edge topics in migra­tion studies : welco­ming poli­cies elabo­rated by cities ; the nexus between migra­tion and climate change ; discri­mi­na­tion in the access to heal­th­care systems ; situa­tions of migra­tion in past and colo­nial empires, and confron­ting assi­mi­la­tion theo­ries in ethnic and racial research.