Zhipeng Li (李志鹏), « Chinese Ethnic Media in France : Showcasing Entrepreneurial Success ? », Journal of Chinese Overseas, Vol.16 n.2, nov. 2020, 242–266.


This article seeks to analyze recent deve­lop­ments in over­seas media in the Chinese language in France. To do so it under­lines the links between these media, created for and by Chinese migrants, and the trajec­tory of an entre­pre­neu­rial diaspora within the host country. The vast bulk of data is drawn from a quali­ta­tive study of several media orga­ni­za­tions of the Chinese diaspora in France. In parti­cular, a compa­ra­tive study of two media, Ouzhou shibao and Huarenjie, has enabled an exami­na­tion of a twofold inter­re­lated pheno­menon. On the one hand, the changes in commer­cial stra­tegy to respond to the evolu­tion of the Chinese diaspora in France, and, on the other, the rela­tions between the Paris-based Chinese ethnic media and the autho­ri­ties of the country of origin. It is argued that these media contri­bute to buil­ding social and poli­tical capital for the Chinese diasporic entre­pre­neurs in France.

Lien : https://​brill​.com/​v​i​e​w​/​j​o​u​r​n​a​l​s​/​j​c​o​/​1​6​/​2​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​-​p​2​4​2​_5.xml