CONF : Conference « Internment Camps The (Enforced) Placement and “Custody” of Refugees in the Past and the Present » — 2–4 December 2020, online

Annual Confe­rence of the Austrian Asso­cia­tion for Exile Research (öge) in coope­ra­tion with the Depart­ment for Contem­po­rary History (Univer­sity of Vienna) and the research network “Migra­tion, Citi­zen­ship and Belon­ging” (Faculty of Social Sciences, Univer­sity of Vienna)

2–4 December 2020, Vienna

The confe­rence aims to faci­li­tate an exten­sive enga­ge­ment with the orga­nized, state-led, and forced place­ment of refu­gees in both the past and present. The emphasis will be on a compa­ra­tive pers­pec­tive – synchronic as well as diachronic. One of the key aims of the confe­rence is to make visible the paral­lels and diffe­rences between the prac­tices and types of inter­n­ment in different coun­tries – while consi­de­ring the specific histo­rical contexts. Another impor­tant focus will be the nexus of rela­tion­ships and agen­cies which consti­tute the camps in ques­tion as tran­si­tory spaces. The contri­bu­tions consist of analyses of local pheno­mena or case studies as well as compa­ra­tive enga­ge­ments from an inter­na­tional or histo­rical perspective.


Refe­rence page