Lundi 9 novembre. 2020, 17h30 — Sarah Schneider (PSE) at the online Junior Migration Seminar

Sarah Schneider (PSE), Hosting Refugee and Voting for the Far-Right : Evidence from France

Read the paper here.


Does expo­sure to refu­gees change the poli­tical prefe­rences of natives towards far-right parties, and how does this change in prefe­rences occur ? This paper examines the poli­tical economy of refugee-hosting. Using the opening of refugee centers in France between 1995 and 2017, I show that voting for far-right parties in cities with such opening between two presi­den­tial elec­tions falls by about 2 percent. The drop in far-right voting is higher in muni­ci­pa­li­ties with a small popu­la­tion, working in the primary and secon­dary sectors, with low educa­tional levels and few migrants. I show that this nega­tive effect can not be explained by an economic channel, but rather by a compo­si­tion channel, through natives” avoi­dance, and a contact channel, through natives” expo­sure to refu­gees. I provide sugges­tive evidence that too-disrup­tive expo­sure to refu­gees, as measured by the magni­tude of the inflows, the cultural distance and the media salience of refu­gees, can miti­gate the bene­fi­cial effects of contact on redu­cing far-right support.

To attend, please register here.

Refe­rence page : find the programme of the Econo­mics of Migra­tion Junior seminar on their webpage.