PUBLI : Milena Doytcheva, « Governing racial justice through standards and the birth of ‘White diversity’: a Foucauldian perspective », Journal of Marketing Management, 2020

Drawing on a longi­tu­dinal quali­ta­tive approach to corpo­rate diver­sity poli­cies in France, based on more than 80 in-depth inter­views (N = 86), this paper examines the paradox conveyed within these poli­cies by the rise of ‘race­less’ diver­sity concepts. This is what I term White diver­sity, explo­ring its construc­tion and appro­pria­tion in the light of tech­no­lo­gies of norma­li­sa­tion, referred to in English as stan­dards. Buil­ding on a Foucaul­dian approach to norma­li­sa­tion, the paper engages with the case study of the French Diver­sity Label. It explores the ways in which market-based mecha­nisms of regu­la­tion have shaped the mana­ge­ment of race diffe­rence. It demons­trates in parti­cular how norma­li­sing anti­dis­cri­mi­na­tion through volun­tary social certi­fi­ca­tion has contri­buted to uphol­ding white­ness in organisations.

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