PUBLI : Ettore Recchi et Adrian Favell (dir.), Dossier “Book Symposium/​Everyday Europe : Social transnationalism in an unsettled continent”, Partecipazione e Conflitto [Participation et Conflict], vol. 13, n°1, 2020


Parte­ci­pa­zione e Conflitto [Parti­ci­pa­tion and Conflict] is an Inter­na­tional Journal based in Italy specia­lized in social and poli­tical studies.

PACO houses research and studies on the trans­for­ma­tions of poli­tics and its key players (poli­tical parties, interest groups, social move­ments, asso­cia­tions, unions, etc.), focu­sing in parti­cular on the dyna­mics of parti­ci­pa­tion both by indi­vi­duals acting in conven­tional ways, and by those who prefer protest-oriented reper­toires of action.

Special atten­tion is also paid to the dyna­mics of trans­for­ma­tion of contem­po­rary poli­tical systems, with an eye fixed on the processes of demo­cra­ti­za­tion besides on the spaces opening to the new forms of gover­nance both at local and sub-national, and supra-national level.

All are inscribed in that complex pheno­menon repre­sented by the trans-natio­na­li­za­tion of social, poli­tical and economic processes, without neglec­ting the nation-state dimension.

The journal empha­sizes inno­va­tive studies and research of high metho­do­lo­gical rigor, trea­su­ring of the most recent theo­re­tical and empi­rical contri­bu­tions in social and poli­tical sciences.


Book Symposium/​Everyday Europe : Social trans­na­tio­na­lism in an unset­tled continent
Alberta Giorgi, Luca Raffini

Inequa­lity and Social Trans­na­tio­na­lism : A Rela­tion­ship to Work On
Alberta Andreotti 

Who Belongs to Europe ? Notes on the (Lack of) Inclu­si­ve­ness of Research on Social Transnationalism
Chris­tine Barwick

Everyday Europe : Immi­gra­tion, Trans­na­tional Mobi­lity and the « Wicked Problem » of Brexit
Russel King

The Paradox of Everyday Europe : The Crisis of the Euro­pean Project in the Context of Wides­pread Transnationalism
Gemma Scalise

Esche­wing the Tedious Terrain of Looking for Euro­pean iden­tity Without Avoi­ding the Political
Virginie Van Ingelgom, Luis Vila-Henninger

Everyday Europe and Tomor­row’s Europe : Is There a Future for Social Trans­na­tio­na­lism ? A Response to Readers
Adrian Favell, Ettore Recchi

Page de référence