PUBLI : Gosselin et al. « Does exposure to workplace hazards cluster by occupational or sociodemographic characteristics ? An analysis of foreign-​born workers in Australia » in American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Juin 2020

  • Liste complète des auteurs : Anne Gosselin, Alison Daly, Sonia El Zaemey, Lin Frit­schi, Deborah Glass, Elena Ronda Perez, Alison Reid
  • Article à consulter sur le site de la revue



Dispa­ri­ties in expo­sure to occu­pa­tional hazards may be linked to social posi­tion as well as the type of job a person holds. This study aimed to describe the preva­lence of expo­sure to work­place hazards among three migrant worker groups and to assess whether social dispa­ri­ties in expo­sure for these groups remain after adjus­ting for occu­pa­tional characteristics.


Data were collected in 2017/​2018 from 1630 Austra­lian workers born in New Zealand, India, and the Philip­pines. Weighted esti­mated preva­lence of expo­sure to 10 carci­no­gens and four psycho­so­cial hazards (discri­mi­na­tion, job strain, vulne­ra­bi­lity, and inse­cu­rity) was calcu­lated for socio­de­mo­gra­phics and occu­pa­tion. Regres­sion esti­mated the like­li­hood of expo­sure by socio­de­mo­gra­phics after adjust­ment for occu­pa­tional characteristics.


Expo­sure to work­place hazards ranged from 11.7% (discri­mi­na­tion) to 61.2% (exposed to at least one carci­nogen). Compared with workers born in India, New Zealand born workers were over twice as likely to be exposed to diesel engine exhaust (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 2.60) and 60% more likely to be exposed to at least one carci­nogen (aOR = 1.60) but less likely to be exposed to any psycho­so­cial hazard. Social dispa­ri­ties by country of birth, sex, age, educa­tion, and number of years in Australia, as well as company size, employ­ment type, and hours, worked remained asso­ciated with greater like­li­hood of repor­ting one or more work­place hazards after adjus­ting for occu­pa­tional characteristics.


Exami­ning socio­de­mo­gra­phic as well as occu­pa­tional charac­te­ris­tics helps to clarify groups most likely to be exposed to work­place hazards who can be hidden when exami­ning occu­pa­tional charac­te­ris­tics alone.