PUBLI : Milena Doytcheva, « White Diversity : Paradoxes of Deracializing Antidiscrimination », Soc. Sci. vol. 50, n°9, 2020

This article ques­tions, at its star­ting point, the theo­re­tical and epis­temic assump­tions around the emer­gence of the concept of (super)diversity, hailed in a growing body of academic lite­ra­ture as marking a “diver­sity turn”. In the second part, it high­lights the issues raised by the orga­ni­za­tional appli­ca­tions of the diver­sity para­digm in three main policy domains : migra­tion, urban plan­ning, and anti­dis­cri­mi­na­tion. Finally, empha­si­zing the deve­lop­ment of white-centered diver­sity concep­tions, parti­cu­larly in the Euro­pean and French contexts, it invites a closer look at the inter­t­wi­ning of scho­larly and prac­tical elabo­ra­tions of the diver­sity frame by consi­de­ring know­ledge as practice.
Keywords : diver­sity ; super­di­ver­sity ; multi­cul­ture ; critical diver­sity studies ; racism ; discri­mi­na­tion ; diver­sity policies