PUBLI : Larisa Lara-Guerrero et María Vivas-Romero, « Latin American Transnational Political Engagement : Steering Civic Movements and Cultural Repertoires from the Global City of Brussels », IMISCOE Research Series, 2020

Migrants are active civic agents parti­ci­pa­ting in trans­na­tional social move­ments. They create, trans­form, and exploit trans­na­tional networks to engage in poli­tical move­ments in both their home­land and the host­land. In this chapter, we demons­trate that migrants accu­mu­late poli­tical and cultural know­ledge, symbols, emotions of hope, nostalgia, and poli­tical prac­tices as a result of their emigra­tion expe­rience. Using empi­rical examples of Latin American migrants living in Brus­sels, we argue that social remit­tances shape the way migrants : (1) develop their poli­tical and cultural reper­toires of conten­tion ; (2) consti­tute their social identi­ties and networks influen­cing their poli­tical beha­vior ; and (3) embody the ideo­lo­gies, ideas, and norms of their home­land, while being influenced by the multiple cities in which they have lived. We conclude that Latin American migrants have managed to develop and sustain trans­na­tional fields of social and poli­tical mobi­li­za­tion to defend their poli­tical struggles and ideals from Brus­sels itself.

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