« Immigrants are worrying about social ties and finances during coronavirus », Carlo Handy Charles, The Conversation, 19 mai 2020

Immigrants are worrying about social ties and finances during coronavirus

Maryam Sadat Monta­jabi, centre left, and her daughter Romina Khaksar, 15, who both moved to Canada from Iran in 2015, wait to have their photo taken with digni­ta­ries after beco­ming Cana­dian citi­zens during a special Canada Day citi­zen­ship cere­mony, in West Vancouver on July 1, 2019.

Carlo Handy Charles, McMaster Univer­sity

A recent Statis­tics Canada study reveals that immi­grants and refu­gees are more likely than Cana­dian-born indi­vi­duals to be worried about the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Forty-four per cent of immi­grants reported having high levels of concern about the main­te­nance of social ties and their ability to support one another during or after the pandemic ; 30 per cent of Cana­dian-born indi­vi­duals reported the same. The study confirms that diffe­rences between immi­grants and Cana­dian-born indi­vi­duals are similar for both men and women.

(Statis­tics Canada)

Immi­grants — often racia­lized women and men from the Global South — have become the back­bone of the Cana­dian economy and labour force during this crisis. They have filled low-paid jobs such as taxi drivers, farm workers and front-line care­gi­vers.

These are jobs that Cana­dian-born indi­vi­duals avoid. Immi­grants often take on these jobs not because they lack profes­sional quali­fi­ca­tions, but due to lack of oppor­tu­nity, non-recog­ni­tion of their educa­tional creden­tials or a lack of “Cana­dian experience.”

Canada is an immi­gra­tion country and a world leader with respect to immi­grant and refugee reset­tle­ment. While all indi­vi­duals in Canada are coping with the impacts of COVID-19, it is crucial to unders­tand how immi­grants and refu­gees are expe­rien­cing the pandemic and how to help cushion its impact.

Immigrant status and social ties

Landed immi­grants, refu­gees, migrant workers and inter­na­tional students may have different migra­tion expe­riences but their status as foreign-born or non-national indi­vi­duals have simi­la­ri­ties, espe­cially when looking at their social ties during the pandemic.

In Canada, immi­grant social ties are often unders­tood as member­ships to Cana­dian recrea­tional or reli­gious orga­ni­za­tions. However, research also shows that local networks of acquain­tances, friends and services — some­times ethnic, some­times multi-ethnic or neigh­bou­rhood networks, and various commu­nity groups — contri­bute to and streng­then immi­grant social ties.

Before COVID-19, some immi­grants already missed the kinds of human inter­ac­tion they were used to in their home coun­tries – such as fami­liar faces, gree­ting friends and fami­liar products in stores. Previous research has shown that elderly immi­grants struggle with social isola­tion and lone­li­ness more than people born in Canada.

Social isola­tion resul­ting from immi­grant status is an impor­tant deter­mi­nant of immi­grants’ physical and mental health. It is there­fore impor­tant for govern­ments and civil society to unders­tand how their unique expe­riences during the pandemic may impact their health outcomes and well-being more than those of Cana­dian-born people.

Refugees’ concerns about social risks

Immi­grants, espe­cially refu­gees, are also more concerned than Cana­dian-born indi­vi­duals — 53 per cent compared to 37 per cent — about the possi­bi­lity of civil disorder during the pandemic.

Although they have different social networks than those born in Canada, refu­gees may be more sensi­tive to certain social risks, such as civil disarray or the ability to support each other.

Many refu­gees lived in camps, were held in deten­tion centres or tran­sited through various coun­tries before acces­sing perma­nent legal status in Canada. In my research, I have found that some Haitian asylum-seekers had made an arduous 11,000-kilometre journey from Brazil to the U.S. — often on foot and under diffi­cult circum­stances — to claim refuge in Canada.

Maryam, 8, holds her hand-drawn sign along­side her family to welcome the first Syrian refu­gees at Toronto’s Pearson Inter­na­tional Airport in December 2015.

This affects refu­gees’ health, and may also reac­ti­vate some trauma related to their pre-migra­tion and migra­tion jour­neys. This pandemic is a period of high uncer­tainty and social risk ; refu­gees may find them­selves reli­ving some trau­matic expe­riences, as research has shown on the expe­rience of Syrian refu­gees or the Viet­na­mese “boat people” who came to Canada.

Research on influenza suggests that refu­gees and asylum-seekers may be required to adjust to a double coping stra­tegy during pande­mics. First, they must comply with public health measures, such as physical distan­cing. The second is their adjust­ment to poten­tial trau­matic migra­tion expe­riences and social stigma. It is expe­dient to pay atten­tion to how social stigma may affect refu­gees.

Concerns about socio-economic impacts

Immi­grants are also signi­fi­cantly more likely than Cana­dian-born indi­vi­duals to report that the crisis would have a “major” or “mode­rate” impact on their finances. While 27 per cent of Cana­dian-born men reported that the crisis would have an impact on their ability to meet finan­cial obli­ga­tions, 43 per cent of immi­grant men reported the same.

The most recent labour market figures for April show that Canada lost nearly two million jobs in sectors like construc­tion, manu­fac­tu­ring, retail trade, accom­mo­da­tion and food services. For immi­grants, refu­gees and asylum-seekers, a job loss increases their preca­rity, espe­cially among refu­gees who have been under­going a decrease in earnings over the past 15 years in Canada.

At the same time, preca­rious employ­ment is on the rise with vulne­rable popu­la­tions like immi­grants and refu­gees who face higher rates of margi­na­li­za­tion than Cana­dian-born individuals.

In the areas of Toronto and Mont­réal where there is a greater propor­tion of low-income earners, new racia­lized immi­grants and high unem­ploy­ment rates, resi­dents have higher rates of infec­tions and hospi­ta­li­za­tions than people in other parts of those cities.

No matter how long immi­grants and refu­gees have lived in Canada, their foreign-born status may affect them more than Cana­dian-born indi­vi­duals during and after the pandemic.

Potential remedy

Some coun­tries have used the pandemic as a pretext to deny basic human rights to migrants by imple­men­ting depor­ta­tions or propa­ga­ting social stigma.

This may add to immi­grants’ and refu­gees’ concerns about the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 on their lives. To help mediate these impacts in Canada, we should reco­gnize the vital contri­bu­tion of immi­grants, refu­gees and other migrants as some of the heroes of the pandemic.

Federal, provin­cial and muni­cipal govern­ments in Canada must adopt the 14 prin­ciples of protec­tion for migrants and displaced people during COVID-19 ; written by migra­tion experts, they provide a basis for advo­cacy and educa­tion during the pandemic.

Now more than ever, as migra­tion resear­cher Steven Vertovec writes, migrants deserve empathy. To promote empathy, govern­ments and civil society should eluci­date struc­tural and socio-economic condi­tions and vulne­ra­bi­li­ties faced by many migrants and refu­gees, just as the UN Deve­lop­ment Programme and the Inter­na­tional Labour Orga­ni­za­tion are doing with regard to COVID-19 and people subject to poverty worldwide.

Whether they’re refu­gees, newco­mers or other migrants, they are front-line workers who not only sustain the Cana­dian economy but also allow others to remain safely isolated at home.

There­fore, it’s impe­ra­tive that federal and provin­cial govern­ments consider the unique chal­lenges faced by immi­grants and refu­gees as they imple­ment poli­cies to help people in Canada recover from the impacts of the pandemic.The Conversation

Carlo Handy Charles, Vanier Scholar, Trudeau Foun­da­tion Scholar and Member of COVID-19 Impact Committee, CI-Migra­tions Fellow, and Joint Ph.D. Student in Socio­logy and Geography, McMaster Univer­sity

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