CONF : Colloque « Transition, Displacement and Circulation of Objects : Visible and Unseen » — Vendredi 21 février 2020, Université Paris Nanterre

Colloque organisé par Michele Baussant, Julia Lerner, Sofia Tchouikina, Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique (UMR 7220, CNRS, Université Paris Nanterre, ENS Cachan)

Salle de confé­rence Max Weber, Bâti­ment Max Weber, Univer­sité Paris Nanterre

This collo­quium aims to inquire into the meanings ascribed to, and produced by, the mate­rial objects in course of their travel, displa­ce­ment, circu­la­tion, tran­si­tion in time and space. We suggest to discuss the pheno­me­no­logy of tran­si­tional objects and their perfor­ma­tive power ; to unders­tand how the meanings of these objects are anchored in their mate­ria­lity and visi­bi­lity, how they are commu­ni­cated by the histo­rical refe­rences they evoke, and tigh­tened with the iden­tity of commu­ni­ties that see or ignore them.


(Maison Max Weber, rez-de chaussée, salle des conférences)

Part I : A Memory Carto­graphy of Vani­shed Social Spaces and Daily Lives

10:00 – 12:30

Discu­tant : Michele Baus­sant (CNRS, ISP)

Tamar Rapo­port (Hebrew Univer­sity of Jeru­salem and Humboldt Univer­sity Berlin) and Peter Carrier (Georg Eckert Insti­tute for Inter­na­tional Text­book Research), Watching and Noti­cing Stum­bling Stones

Eliza Frenkel (Ben Gurion Univer­sity of the Negev), Instal­ling contested memory : (In)visible comme­mo­ra­tion of the Stali­nist terror in post-Soviet Russia through the” last known address”

Ksenia Pime­nova (FNRS /​ULB, Labo­ra­toire d’Anthropologie des Mondes Contem­po­rains), To show or to hide ? Repa­tria­tion, recon­tex­tua­li­za­tion and scopic regimes for human remains in museums  

Lunch Break


Jackie Feldman (Ben Gurion Univer­sity of the Negev), The Shoah Survivor as lieu de mémoire ? Mate­rial witness in a digital age

Sofia Tchoui­kina, (Univer­sité Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint-Denis and ISP), Letters from Soviet prison camps : from family memory object to a museum exhibit 

Coffee Break

Part II : The double meaning of the “object” in researches

15:30–18 :00

Maria Couroucli (CNRS/​IIAC), Flag, relic, shroud and proces­sion. The domes­ti­ca­tion of the Athens Poly­technic commemorations

Johana Wyss (Academie tchèque des sciences and Max Planck Insti­tute), Caring for the Left Behind : German Parcel to Czechoslovakia

Irène dos Santos (CNRS/​Urmis), Docu­ment d’iden­tité d’un exilé de l’empire portugais

Fabienne Wateau (CNRS/​LESC), Muret de pierre et pierre de muret : pillage, mémoire et souvenir du village noyé

Miguel Rodri­guez-Lizana (Paris Nanterre/​LESC), Le Seigneur de Chalma à Milpa Alta (Mexique) : un saint sans parole, un pèlerin caché sous la lumière

Julia Lerner (Ben Gurion Univer­sity of the Negev and ISP), Objects as words, words as objects : Insight from research on migra­tion and relationships