PUBLI : Ioannoni, V., Vitale, T., Costa, C. et al., « Depicting communities of Romani studies : on the who, when and where of Roma related scientific publications », Scientometrics [en ligne], 2020

Contem­po­rary research on Roma from diverse disci­plines has grown strongly during the last years. This is the first biblio­me­tric study on the field of Romani studies consi­de­ring the period 1997–2018 with the aims of mapping scholar’s disci­plines and analy­zing loca­li­za­tion and their thematic contri­bu­tions. The world evolu­tion of Roma research topics and their cita­tion impacts has been analyzed using a Network Analysis approach. The Scopus data­base was used to retrieve biblio­gra­phic records on Gypsy and Roma research. The biblio­me­tric analysis of scho­larly endea­vour iden­ti­fies three prin­cipal clus­ters : ‘History and Culture’, ‘Educa­tion’, and ‘Discri­mi­na­tion and Policy’. Results shows that scho­lars became more atten­tive to Roma issues as it became an impor­tant topic in public debate. Informed by this analysis, ques­tions are raised about how to streng­then connec­ti­vity, colla­bo­ra­tive research and know­ledge exchange beyond national and disci­pli­nary borders. In the term cita­tion map among the most followed themes by number of norma­lized average quota­tions, the topics of ‘Discri­mi­na­tion and Policy’ analysis unde­niably emerges. In the current histo­rical moment charac­te­rised by rising ethno-natio­na­lism and racism we intend that this paper informs further research that will deepen our unders­tan­ding of the contri­bu­tions of different social science disci­plines with regards to epis­te­mo­logy, metho­do­logy and impact.

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