AAC : 22nd IMISCOE Annual Conference, « Decentering migration studies », 1st – 4th July 2025, Paris–Aubervilliers and online – DEADLINE : 8th October 2024 (extended)

In the past years, migra­tion studies have witnessed the renewal of theo­re­tical frame­works, the emer­gence of new metho­do­lo­gies, nume­rous empi­rical studies, and increased colla­bo­ra­tion among resear­chers, all with the aim of impro­ving our unders­tan­ding of migra­tion. The 22nd edition of the IMISCOE Annual Confe­rence will seek to foster a plura­listic confe­rence of epis­te­mo­lo­gical dialogue and collec­tive reflexi­vity that chal­lenges the ways in which migra­tion research is produced. The majo­rity of research on migra­tion has been conducted by scien­tific insti­tu­tions and publi­shed in English, with an emphasis on immi­gra­tion. The objec­tive is to chal­lenge conven­tional repre­sen­ta­tions of the migra­tion pheno­menon by adop­ting a decen­tered pers­pec­tive, thereby expo­sing the biases that contri­bute to an incom­plete unders­tan­ding of the complexi­ties of contem­po­rary migrations.

For the 22nd IMISCOE Annual Confe­rence in Paris, we invite submis­sions of Indi­vi­dual Paper Propo­sals, Work­shop Propo­sals, and Panel Propo­sals that contri­bute to decenter migra­tion studies. Panels should be either fully in-person (with all parti­ci­pants at the venue) or fully online (with parti­ci­pants joining remo­tely). A very limited number of hybrid panels (up to a maximum of 5 sessions per timeslot) could poten­tially be accom­mo­dated in excep­tional circum­stances (health issues, visa restric­tions, special care needs), when duly justi­fied and noti­fied to the IMISCOE Network Office prior to the fina­li­sa­tion of the regis­tra­tion process. Submis­sions for contri­bu­tions are open from 3rd of July 2024.

The extended dead­line for submit­ting propo­sals is 8th October 2024 (23:59 CEST).

Please find the call below or by clicking on this link :


Find more infor­ma­tion on the IMISCOE website.