PUBLI : Laura Odasso, « Intimacy as a competency : information-seeking practices in (marriage) migration online support groups », Families, Relationships and Societies, april 2024

Abstract. This article explores the use of online social networks for seeking and sharing infor­ma­tion about marriage migra­tion. In Europe, since the 1990s, this migra­tion has faced heigh­tened scru­tiny. Laws and admi­nis­tra­tive prac­tices have added complexity to immi­gra­tion proce­dures. Mani­fold scree­ning methods gauge the authen­ti­city of rela­tion­ships aligning with the host nation’s concept of a suitable family for inte­gra­tion. In this context, informal self-help groups emerged to offer support to those facing burden­some forma­li­ties and local admi­nis­tra­tive intri­ca­cies. Based on exten­sive quali­ta­tive field­work, this article examines the signi­fi­cance of these support groups, drawing on the concept of inti­macy as a shared compe­tency. Here, inti­macy is conceived as an active rela­tional skill that coun­ter­ba­lances the limi­ta­tions of migra­tion poli­cies. The analysis trans­cends the divi­sion between online and offline modes of living, shed­ding new light on inti­macy and exti­mité – the sharing of one’s inti­mate self with others for vali­da­tion – in doing family.

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