Publi : Simone Bertoli, Elsa Gautrain & Elie Murard, « Left Behind but Not Immobile : Living Arrangements of Mexican Transnational Households », Economic Development and Cultural Change , 2023, 71:4.

We provide evidence that most Mexican chil­dren exposed to the inter­na­tional migra­tion of their fathers expe­rience further varia­tions in their living arran­ge­ments or the disso­lu­tion of the marital union of their parents. Chil­dren left behind typi­cally join the house­hold of their maternal grand­pa­rents. These changes have rele­vant impli­ca­tions for the analysis of the effects of migra­tion and remit­tances : they inter­fere with the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of instances of paternal migra­tion in stan­dard cross-sectional or longi­tu­dinal surveys, and they can give rise to hete­ro­ge­neity in the effects of interest making some key house­hold-level variables endo­ge­nous with respect to the treatment.

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