AAC : Call for Papers : 2nd Junior Workshop on The Economics of Migration LISER, Luxembourg, June 25–26, 2024

Call for Papers : 2nd Junior Work­shop on The Econo­mics of Migration
LISER, Luxem­bourg, June 25–26, 2024

Keynote lectures : Chris­tina Gath­mann (LISER), Olof Åslund (IFAU) & Hillel Rapo­port (PSE)

The Junior Work­shop on the Econo­mics of Migra­tion aims to provide an opportunity
to junior resear­chers on migra­tion econo­mics to present and meet in-person.

Submis­sions. Appli­cants should either be PhD students or have defended their PhD
after June 1st 2021. Please submit full papers in PDF by February 25, 2024 on :

Scien­tific committee. E. Bacher (LISER), C. Barreto (FAU), M. Beine (Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg), S. Bertoli (CERDI), G. Chaves Bosch (Queen Mary Univer­sity), M‑A. Castel­lanos (UC3M), M. Clerc (CERDI), L. Delgado-Prieto (UC3M), F. Docquier (LISER), A. Edo (CEPII), B. Evreux (PSE), J. Fernández-Huertas Moraga (UC3M), C. Gath­mann (LISER), E. Gautrain (Univer­sity of Fribourg), M. Gertrudis Feranández (UC3M), Y. Govind (CBS), G. Grasso (Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg), M. Roy Mathur (UC Davis), J. Machado (LISER), H. Rapo­port (PSE), S. Schneider-Strawc­zynski (Univer­sity of Exeter), S. Signo­relli (CREST), F. Stips (LISER), and J. Valette (CEPII).

Orga­ni­za­tion. Joël Machado (LISER) & Jérôme Valette (CEPII). Any queries can be
emailed to the orga­ni­zing committee at : economig2024@​sciencesconf.​org

Please visit the confe­rence website for addi­tional information.
