CONF : Global dis:connect Summer School « Sea of absence ? Globalisation, The Mediterranean and beyond » – 24–27 July 2023, Munich

Concept and orga­ni­sa­tion by Hanni Geiger and Tom Menger, Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect, LMU, Munich.

The global dis:connect Research Centre invites MA, doctoral students and crea­tive profes­sio­nals in all stages of their careers to meet in Munich for a summer school on the absences produced by globa­li­sa­tion processes, focu­sing on the Medi­ter­ra­nean, parti­cu­larly on the aspects of migra­tion, tourism and (post)coloniality, in the past, present and future.
Like globa­li­sa­tion research gene­rally, some of the most famous scho­lar­ship on the Medi­ter­ra­nean Sea has focused on the different connec­tions that bind the ‘Middle Sea’ toge­ther (Braudel, 1949 ; Horden & Purcell, 2000). Its connec­tions, however, have also created and obfus­cated many absences : of people, of cultural belon­ging, of insti­tu­tions, of personal and collec­tive memo­ries, of regions, of (art) objects, in archives, epis­te­mo­lo­gies, discourses, in stories and repre­sen­ta­tions of and about the Medi­ter­ra­nean, and finally in our scholarship.

Master class : Constance De Gourcy



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