1 Postdoctoral and 2 PhD positions at Ghent University, Belgium, and University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria — DEADLINE : 27/​06/​2023

Ghent Univer­sity and Univer­sity for Conti­nuing Educa­tion Krems are recrui­ting one Post­doc­toral and two PhD resear­chers in migra­tion studies to work on an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary, mixed-methods project on the ‘Deve­lop­ment impli­ca­tions of invo­lun­tary immo­bi­lity’, lasting 4 years and invol­ving field­work in Senegal.

For further inqui­ries, please contact us : sorana.​toma@​ugent.​be or mathias.​czaika@​donau-​uni.​ac.​at

Dead­line for appli­ca­tions : 27 June 2023

Project descrip­tion

Large numbers of young people around the world, parti­cu­larly in deve­lo­ping coun­tries, wish to migrate but lack the capa­city to do so. This project will inves­ti­gate concep­tually and empi­ri­cally the extent to which this pheno­menon, which has been called ‘invo­lun­tary immo­bi­lity’, affects human deve­lop­ment, focu­sing on three dimen­sions : indi­vi­duals’ subjec­tive well-being and mental health, their life aspi­ra­tions, and beha­vioural responses and alter­na­tives for migra­tion. The PhD candi­date is expected to work and conduct research on the dynamic nexus between aspi­ra­tions and beha­viour trig­gered by invo­lun­tary immo­bi­lity, focu­sing on youth in Senegal. The PhD candi­date will further contri­bute to the admi­nis­tra­tive tasks of the project and conduct a PhD project that relates to and uses the data of the project.

Tasks Postdoc (50%)

  • Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary, mixed-methods research in the “Deve­lop­ment impli­ca­tions of invo­lun­tary immo­bi­lity” project
  • Being in charge of the collec­tion of quan­ti­ta­tive data in Senegal
  • Contri­bu­ting to the analyses drawing on these quan­ti­ta­tive data
  • Publi­shing research findings in inter­na­tional, peer-reviewed scien­tific journals

Tasks PhDs (100%)

  • Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary, mixed-methods research in the “Deve­lop­ment impli­ca­tions of invo­lun­tary immo­bi­lity” project
  • Conduc­ting quali­ta­tive field­work in Senegal in duo with the other PhD student
  • Contri­bu­ting to the collec­tion and analysis of quan­ti­ta­tive longi­tu­dinal survey data in Senegal
  • Publi­shing research findings in inter­na­tional, peer-reviewed scien­tific journals

More info on the postdoc posi­tion at Ghent University
More info on the PhD posi­tion at Ghent University
More info on the PhD posi­tion at Univer­sity for Conti­nuing Educa­tion Krems

After careful consi­de­ra­tion of the appli­ca­tions, short­listed candi­dates will be invited for an online inter­view with a small committee (Prof. Mathias Czaika, Prof. Ilse Ruyssen, Prof. Sorana Toma) on 13 or 14 July 2023 (tenta­tive dates).