CONF : Webinar « New Imaginaries of Migration » — Tuesday May 12th 2023, 1.30 pm – 3 pm CEST, online

You are warmly invited to attend the next session of the webinar series New Imagi­na­ries of Migra­tion at Maison Fran­çaise d’Oxford.

The webinar explores alter­na­tive visual ways to picture refugees. 

This term, film director Clio Simon and anthro­po­lo­gist Marie Caro­line Saglio-Yatzi­mirsky (Institut Conver­gences Migra­tions Paris) will be discus­sing how story telling approaches are encou­raged by migra­tory policies.

Please register here.

We look forward to having you !

Dr Elsa Gomis, Maison Fran­çaise d’Oxford
Dr Corinne Fortier, CNRS-Labo­ra­toire d’anthropologie sociale (Collège de France)