CONF : Keynote Address and Roundtable “What is Home ? Syrian Refugees and Narratives of Belonging” — Thursday 20th April 2023, 3.30–5.30 pm, Sciences Po and online


While of universal impor­tance, the ques­tion of home gains special signi­fi­cance in contexts of forced migra­tion. Exami­ning the Syrian case for larger insights, Wendy Pearlman shares inter­views that she has conducted over the past decade with 500 displaced Syrians around the world. She explores their stories of losing, seeking, finding, or not finding home, and what they teach us about the meaning of belon­ging. These pers­pec­tives inter­ro­gate common narra­tives of refugee and migrant “crisis” and offer a new lens on concepts such as exile and integration.

Loca­tion : Les Salons scien­ti­fiques (B108), 1 place Saint-Thomas d’Aquin 75007 Paris

Keynote Speaker :
Wendy Pearlman is Professor of Poli­tical Science at North­wes­tern Univer­sity, where she holds the Charles Deering McCor­mick Profes­sor­ship of Teaching Excel­lence and Crown Profes­sor­ship of Middle East Studies. A specia­list in the compa­ra­tive poli­tics of the Middle East, she has authored 4 books and 35 academic articles or chap­ters on topics ranging from social move­ments to refugee studies.

Round­table Panelists : 
  • Munzoul Assal is Professor of Social Anthro­po­logy at the Univer­sity of Khar­toum, Sudan and the Univer­sity of Bergen, Norway.
  • Elspeth Guild is Jean Monnet Professor ad personam at Queen Mary Univer­sity of London as well as at the Radboud Univer­sity Nijmegen, Nether­lands. She is also a partner at the London law firm, King­sley Napley and a visi­ting Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges.
  • Nassim Majidi is the co-founder and Execu­tive Director of Samuel Hall. She is also a Research Asso­ciate at the African Centre for Migra­tion and Society at the Univer­sity of the Witwa­ters­rand, South Africa, and at the Fein­stein Inter­na­tional Center at Tufts Univer­sity, USA.
  • Asser Khattab is a Media and Commu­ni­ca­tions Asso­ciate at the Clooney Foun­da­tion for Justice. He previously worked as a jour­na­list repor­ting on Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq for various inter­na­tional media outlets. He has also written for New Lines Maga­zine and served as the Research and Commu­ni­ca­tions Officer for the Inter­na­tional Commis­sion of Jurists’ MENA programme.
Round­table Moderator :

Hélène Thiollet is a perma­nent resear­cher at the French National Centre for Scien­tific Studies (CNRS) based at the Center for Inter­na­tional Research (CERI) of Sciences Po Paris. She is the insti­tu­tional lead at Sciences Po for the MAGYC project.