Workshop « Migration and the Future of Work » — Wednesday 29th March 2023, 9h30-18h, Campus Condorcet and online


Migra­tion and the Future of Work

Inter­na­tional Work­shop Co-Convened by Institut Conver­gences Migra­tions, CERC Migra­tion at Toronto Metro­po­litan Univer­sity, and the Orga­ni­sa­tion for Economic Co-opera­tion and Deve­lop­ment (OECD)

The future of work will be shaped by a range of tech­no­lo­gical, poli­tical, and social changes that are already crea­ting both threats and oppor­tu­ni­ties for recent and esta­bli­shed migrants and their labour-market trajec­to­ries. Advanced digital tech­no­lo­gies have shifted how global talent is recruited, selected, and managed and have led to the crea­tion of new oppor­tu­ni­ties for migrants (e.g., provi­ding support in the work­place, matching job seekers to employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties, and crea­ting new ways of defi­ning, asses­sing, and deve­lo­ping skills). At the same time, such tech­no­lo­gies may create and exacer­bate preca­rious and atypical working condi­tions, inclu­ding those presented by digital plat­forms on the gig-work economy (e.g., Uber and Taskrabbit). The picture is quite complex, as recent research has shown that nonstan­dard jobs in the plat­form economy may provide a point of entry for new immi­grants and that immi­grant earnings gaps among non-stan­dard or contin­gent workers are smaller than those among workers in stan­dard jobs. Whether these jobs are a bridge to upward mobi­lity, however, is a ques­tion that needs to be answered with further analysis.
This work­shop will examine the many inter­sec­tions between advanced digital tech­no­lo­gies and the labour­market inte­gra­tion of migrants. Presen­ters will inter­ro­gate the role of advanced digital tech­no­lo­gies in different immi­gra­tion-cycle stages, from recruit­ment and employ­ment to post-migra­tion inte­gra­tion and skills recognition.

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Parti­ci­pants will be welcomed in the Confe­rence Center with coffee from 9am. The workhsop will start at 9.30am.

» Sign up here.

The work­shop will be acces­sible via Zoom. To access the work­shop on March 29th, please follow this link.