JOB : Two Post-Doctoral Researchers in Comparative Political Economy on Labour Market and Welfare State Transformations as part of a new Horizon Europe project, Leiden University, Netherlands — DEADLINE : 05/​09/​2022


Research Project Tran­sEu­ro­WorkS : Trans­for­ming Euro­pean Work and Social Protec­tion — A New Proac­tive Welfare State Fit for the Future World of Work

Social protec­tion systems can do more than what they achieve today by construc­ti­vely addres­sing future trans­for­ma­tions” effects on social inclu­sion, cohe­sion, and poli­tical support at the national and Euro­pean levels. Notably, today, each new envi­ron­mental, health or economic crisis stirs up discus­sion on Euro­pean welfare states” role, respon­si­bi­li­ties, and bene­fi­cia­ries. Which workers should be protected, and to what extent should compa­nies be covered for their risks ? Conflicts about visions of the goals of social protec­tion poli­cies at the national and the EU-level represent increa­singly sharp poli­tical divides that can chal­lenge demo­cratic systems. How the EU and member states respond to such conten­tious and complex trans­for­ma­tions will clearly impact social cohe­sion and gover­na­bi­lity, and thus, their capa­city to respond to new chal­lenges in the future. Tran­sEu­ro­WorkS responds to such issues by provi­ding new know­ledge on poli­tical atti­tudes towards social protec­tion systems to ensure better poli­tical sustai­na­bi­lity of new and exis­ting policies.

A consor­tium of 10 Euro­pean univer­si­ties and other research insti­tu­tions has received funding from Horizon Europe for a large-scale, multi-disci­pli­nary research project on the future world of Euro­pean work and social protec­tion. Tran­sEu­ro­WorkS will provide new, more inte­gra­tive unders­tan­dings of how funda­mental changes to the labour market and Euro­pean context can be better and more proac­ti­vely managed through national and Euro­pean Union (EU) level social protec­tion poli­cies. At the centre of this research are three struc­tural labour market trans­for­ma­tions, i.e., green tran­si­tion and decar­bo­ni­sa­tion, tech­no­lo­gical change (auto­ma­tion and digi­ta­li­za­tion), and the inter­na­tio­na­li­sa­tion of the work­force (through intra-Euro­pean mobi­lity and immi­gra­tion). The selected post-doctoral resear­chers will have the oppor­tu­nity to work on these key trans­for­ma­tions and their socio-poli­tical and economic conse­quences at the cutting edge of the current compa­ra­tive poli­tical economy policy and research agenda.

Leiden Univer­sity is the coor­di­na­ting team of the Tran­sEu­ro­WorkS project and the selected post-docs will be involved in multiple roles in doing research and colla­bo­ra­ting with all other part­ners. For example, Leiden Univer­sity will be involved in analy­sing 1) how fixed-term contracts and migra­tion explain the deve­lop­ments in income inequa­lity and the redis­tri­bu­tive effects of taxes and trans­fers ; 2) as part of the Tran­sEu­ro­Works public opinion survey, we will co-design a survey module to study citi­zens” expec­ta­tions, prefe­rences, and reser­va­tions concer­ning a greater Euro­pea­ni­sa­tion of the social policy ; 3) analy­sing the budge­tary and fiscal dimen­sions of an increa­singly coor­di­nated EU social policy. We will pay parti­cular atten­tion to intra and extra EU migra­tion and the net fiscal impact of the foreign work­force on national social protec­tion systems.


The Tran­sEu­ro­WorkS consor­tium consists of Leiden Univer­sity, Univer­sity of Geneva, Univer­sity of Barce­lona, Centre for Euro­pean Policy Studies (CEPS), Univer­sity of Kent, Univer­sity College Dublin, Univer­sity of Copen­hagen, Central Euro­pean Labour Studies Insti­tute (CELSI), TU Delft, and Zabala Innovation.

The posi­tion comprises the follo­wing tasks :

  • Conduc­ting inno­va­tive research within the frame­work of the research project TransEuroWorkS ;
  • Present papers at inter­na­tional conferences ;
  • Submit research results for publi­ca­tion in academic journals ;
  • Being part of Leiden University’s team, coor­di­na­ting the consor­tium and colla­bo­ra­ting with part­ners, for example in the design of a large Euro­pean public opinion survey ;
  • Propose and test policy inno­va­tions in the field of social protec­tion, present the findings to policy-makers, and engage stakeholders ;
  • Orga­nise and parti­ci­pate in semi­nars, work­shops and confe­rences of the programme.

Selec­tion Criteria

  • A PhD in compa­ra­tive poli­tical economy, econo­mics, poli­tical science, socio­logy, public admi­nis­tra­tion or another disci­pline that is rele­vant for TransEuroWorkS ;
  • Excellent research quali­ties which are rele­vant for the research profile of Tran­sEu­ro­WorkS, demons­trated for example by inter­na­tional publications ;
  • Expe­rience with analy­sing and/​or construc­ting welfare state indi­ca­tors is consi­dered an advantage ;
  • Expe­rience with public opinion surveys and (survey) expe­ri­ments is consi­dered an advantage ;
  • Expe­rience with labour force and house­hold surveys is consi­dered an advantage ;
  • Expe­rience with project coor­di­na­tion is consi­dered an advantage ;
  • Excellent written and oral commu­ni­ca­tion skills in English and the ability to effec­ti­vely commu­ni­cate with external audiences ;
  • You are a team player.

Our Depart­ment

In the broad field of applied econo­mics, the acti­vi­ties of the Depart­ment of Econo­mics are concen­trated on socio-economic policy, law and econo­mics, and the econo­mics of taxation.

The depart­ment provides courses for a number of study programmes, such as poli­tical science, public admi­nis­tra­tion, liberal arts, and law. Moreover, the depart­ment parti­ci­pates in a dual bachelor’s programme (Econo­mics, Gover­nance and Mana­ge­ment) and a dual master’s programme (Econo­mics and Gover­nance) with Leiden University’s Insti­tute of Public Admi­nis­tra­tion, located in The Hague.

Our orga­ni­sa­tion

The Depart­ment of Econo­mics is part of Leiden Law School (ranked #1 in the Nether­lands for the subject of law and #21 in the 2022 QS World Univer­sity Rankings by Subject). Leiden Law School is located in Leiden and The Hague. With more than 6500 students and around 1000 staff, it is one of the largest univer­sity facul­ties in the Netherlands.

The faculty focuses on inno­va­tive multi­dis­ci­pli­nary research and educa­tional programmes that are constantly renewed in response to issues in society. Our faculty is large enough to make a diffe­rence natio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally, yet small enough to offer perso­na­lised educa­tion. This is how we contri­bute to a safe and sustai­nable world, each and every day.

For more infor­ma­tion : Leiden Law School – Leiden Univer­sity. The Faculty is housed in the beau­ti­fully restored Kamer­lingh Onnes Buil­ding on the Steen­schuur in Leiden. The Depart­ment of Econo­mics has also offices in The Hague. Working for the Leiden Law School means working in an inspi­ring scien­tific environment.

Terms and conditions

  • We offer two (2 x 1.0 fte) full-time posi­tions (38 hours per week) for four years ;
  • Salary ranges from €55,460 to €75,906 gross per year for a full-time posi­tion (scale 11), in accor­dance with the Collec­tive Labour Agree­ment for Dutch Univer­si­ties. This includes holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3%). Salary depends on educa­tion and experience ;
  • Start date : 1 November 2022 (some flexi­bi­lity is possible);
  • The selected candi­dates will have the oppor­tu­nity to parti­ci­pate in the teaching programme and to develop teaching experience ;
  • Leiden Univer­sity offers an attrac­tive bene­fits package with trai­ning and career deve­lop­ment (inclu­ding, for example, language courses, teaching courses and project mana­ge­ment courses). Our indi­vi­dual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and condi­tions. Candi­dates from outside the Nether­lands may be eligible for a substan­tial tax break ;
  • For more infor­ma­tion on the terms and condi­tions of employ­ment, click here.

Diver­sity and inclusion
Diver­sity and inclu­sion are core values of Leiden Univer­sity. Leiden Univer­sity is committed to beco­ming an inclu­sive commu­nity which enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected and to develop their full poten­tial. Diver­sity in expe­riences and pers­pec­tives enriches our teaching and streng­thens our research. High quality teaching and research is inclusive.

Enqui­ries can be made to Prof. Olaf van Vliet, Prin­cipal Inves­ti­gator of TransEuroWorkS.


Appli­ca­tions for this vacancy can be submitted via the blue button of our online system. Please ensure that you upload the follo­wing addi­tional docu­ments quoting the vacancy number :

  • A cover letter stating your moti­va­tion for this position ;
  • A curri­culum vitae inclu­ding a complete list of publications ;
  • A publi­ca­tion (or working paper) that is rele­vant for the theme of TransEuroWorkS ;
  • At this stage, it is not neces­sary to submit refe­rences or recom­men­da­tion letters.
  • Only appli­ca­tions received before 5 September 2022 will be consi­dered. The selec­tion proce­dure will take place in September 2022. Acqui­si­tion follo­wing this adver­ti­se­ment is not appreciated.

Apply now

Refe­rence page