JOB : Doctoral candidate in Geography, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg – LIMITE : ASAP

The Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg is an inter­na­tional research univer­sity with a distinctly multi­lin­gual and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary character. The Univer­sity was founded in 2003 and counts more than 6,700 students and more than 2,000 employees from around the world. The University’s facul­ties and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary centres focus on research in the areas of Computer Science and ICT Secu­rity, Mate­rials Science, Euro­pean and Inter­na­tional Law, Finance and Finan­cial Inno­va­tion, Educa­tion, Contem­po­rary and Digital History. In addi­tion, the Univer­sity focuses on cross-disci­pli­nary research in the areas of Data Model­ling and Simu­la­tion as well as Health and System Biome­di­cine. Times Higher Educa­tion ranks the Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg #3 world­wide for its “inter­na­tional outlook,” #20 in the Young Univer­sity Ranking 2021 and among the top 250 univer­si­ties worldwide.

The Faculty of Huma­ni­ties, Educa­tion and Social Sciences (FHSE) brings toge­ther exper­tise from the huma­ni­ties, linguis­tics, cogni­tive sciences, social and educa­tional sciences. People from across 20 disci­plines are working within the Faculty. Along with the disci­pli­nary approach a very ambi­tious inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research culture has been developed.

The faculty’s research and teaching focuses on social, economic, poli­tical and educa­tional issues with the common goal of contri­bu­ting to an inclu­sive, open and resour­ceful society. The FHSE offers four Bachelor and 15 Master degrees and a doctoral school provi­ding students with the neces­sary know­ledge and high-quali­fied skills to succeed in their future career.

Your Role…

The successful candi­date is expected to submit a PhD thesis after 3 years under the super­vi­sion of Prof. Dr. Birte Nienaber. He/​she will :

  • Conduct research in the frame of the PhD thesis
  • Write the PhD thesis in the field of migra­tion, intra-Euro­pean mobi­lity, inte­gra­tion, asylum and/​or reception
  • Parti­ci­pate in the UL Doctoral School in Huma­ni­ties and Social Sciences
  • Disse­mi­nate PhD results at inter­na­tional conferences
  • Support teaching in the Master in Border Studies and Master in Geography and Spatial Planning
  • Publish academic articles in peer-reviewed journals
  • Perform any other task within the frame­work of the position

What we expect from you…

  • M.Sc. (or equi­va­lent) in Geography, Border Studies, Migra­tion Studies, or any other related field
  • Know­ledge in the field of migra­tion studies
  • Know­ledge in the field of border studies would be an advantage
  • Ability to work inde­pen­dently and within an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team
  • Expe­rience in quali­ta­tive research methods will be an asset

As the candi­date will have to work in a multi­lin­gual context, he/​she must be fluent in English (written and spoken) and French or German (written and spoken).

We offer…

  • The doctoral candi­date will work in the inter­na­tional envi­ron­ment of the Univer­sity of Luxembourg
  • He/​she will join a dynamic and well-equipped research environment
  • He/​she will receive inten­sive trai­ning in scien­tific and trans­fe­rable skills, parti­ci­pa­tion in confe­rences and workshops
  • He/​she will be enrolled as a PhD student in the UL Doctoral School in Huma­ni­ties and Social Sciences
  • He/​She will have the oppor­tu­nity to work closely with migra­tion experts in Europe
  • He/​She will work with an inter­na­tional and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team

In Short…

  • Contract Type : Fixed Term Contract 36 Month (exten­dable up to 48 months if required)
  • Work Hours : Full Time 40.0 Hours per Week
  • Earliest star­ting date : September 2022
  • Loca­tion : Belval
  • Employee and student status
  • Job Refe­rence : UOL05066

The yearly gross salary for every PhD at the UL is EUR 38.028,96 (full time)

How to apply…

Appli­ca­tions should be submitted online and include :

  • Letter of moti­va­tion in English (inclu­ding abstract of PhD project idea)
  • Curri­culum vitae in English
  • Copies of diplomas/​records of transcript
  • List of publi­ca­tions (if available)

Apply online

Early appli­ca­tion is highly encou­raged, as the appli­ca­tions will be processed upon recep­tion. Please apply formally through the HR system. Appli­ca­tions by email will not be considered.

The Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg embraces inclu­sion and diver­sity as key values. We are fully committed to remo­ving any discri­mi­na­tory barrier related to gender, and not only, in recruit­ment and career progres­sion of our staff.

Here’s what awaits you at the University

  • Multi­lin­gual and inter­na­tional character. Modern insti­tu­tion with a personal atmos­phere. Staff coming from 90 coun­tries. Member of the “Univer­sity of the Greater Region” (UniGR).
  • A modern and dynamic univer­sity. High-quality equip­ment. Close ties to the busi­ness world and to the Luxem­bourg labour market. A unique urban site with excellent infrastructure.
  • A partner for society and industry. Coope­ra­tion with Euro­pean insti­tu­tions, inno­va­tive compa­nies, the Finan­cial Centre and with nume­rous non-academic part­ners such as minis­tries, local govern­ments, asso­cia­tions, NGOs …

Find out more about the University
Addresses, maps & routes to the various sites of the University

Further infor­ma­tion…

Prof. Dr. Birte Nienaber

E‑Mail : birte.​nienaber@​uni.​lu

Tel : +352 46 66 44–9318

Refe­rence page