JOB : Postdoc, in the field of Migration and Human Rights, Justus Liebig University, Giessen — LIMITE : 28/​06/​2022

The posi­tion is part of the exter­nally funded project « Human Rights Discourse in Migra­tion Socie­ties (MeDiMi) » and is to be filled on a fixed-term basis in accor­dance with § 2 Wiss­ZeitVG and § 72 HHG with the oppor­tu­nity for own academic quali­fi­ca­tion at the Chair of Public Law and Euro­pean Law (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bast), at the Faculty of Law. The salary is in accor­dance with the collec­tive labour agree­ment of the State of Hessen (E 13 TV‑H).

As long as the maximum permis­sible dura­tion of a fixed-term contract is not exceeded, you will be employed for a period of 4 years.

The project

The MeDiMi project is a Research Group funded by Deutsche Forschung­sge­mein­schaft (Forschung­sgruppe 5321). The subject of this inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research project is to deter­mine the scope, forms and conse­quences of the expan­sion of human rights discourse in contem­po­rary migra­tion socie­ties. Legal analysis, social-science research and cultural studies in ten subpro­jects will provide the empi­rical basis for a theory of discur­sive prac­tice in migra­tion socie­ties intended to achieve a new unders­tan­ding of the role of human rights in contem­po­rary socie­ties. The subpro­jects are based at the univer­si­ties of Gießen and Marburg and three other insti­tu­tions. The adver­tised posi­tion is assi­gned to the coor­di­na­tion and theory project directed by the speaker of the Research Group.

Your tasks at a glance

  • As post­doc­toral resear­cher, you will colla­bo­rate closely with the members of the Research Group to contri­bute to achie­ving the project’s overall aim of deve­lo­ping an empi­ri­cally founded theory of human rights discourse in migra­tion socie­ties. In parti­cular, approaches that are based in prac­tice theory will be applied to this effect
  • You will conduct inde­pendent research in the context of the Research Group
  • You will take part in the plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion of cross-project work­shops, lectures and conferences
  • You will take on admi­nis­tra­tive tasks for the Research Group to a limited extent. In this respect, you will colla­bo­rate with the project’s stee­ring group and a project coor­di­nator perfor­ming func­tions in science management

The provi­sion of academic services (inclu­ding the proces­sing of a research project financed by third party funds on a tempo­rary basis) also serves the purpose of academic qualification.

Your quali­fi­ca­tions and competences

  • Completed Master‘s degree or equi­va­lent univer­sity degree
  • Completed or advanced doctoral project (PhD or equi­va­lent) in law, prefe­rably focus­sing on public law, in social sciences, or in cultural studies
  • Expe­rience or docu­mented interest in inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research invol­ving law
  • Docu­mented interest in social or legal theory
  • Rele­vant publi­ca­tions in the field of migra­tion and/​or human rights

Our offer to you

  • A varied job with flexible working hours
  • Free use of local public trans­port (Landes­Ti­cket Hessen)
  • More than 100 trai­ning semi­nars, work­shops and e‑learning oppor­tu­ni­ties per year for personal deve­lop­ment, as well as a wide range of health and sports activities
  • Remu­ne­ra­tion accor­ding to TV‑H, company pension scheme, child allo­wance and special payments
  • Good compa­ti­bi­lity of family and career (certi­fi­cate « audit fami­lien­ge­rechte hochschule »)

If you have any further ques­tions, please do not hesi­tate to contact Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bast by e‑mail (jurgen.​bast@​recht.​uni-​giessen.​de).

JLU aims to employ more women in academic research. We there­fore parti­cu­larly encou­rage female candi­dates to apply. JLU is regarded as a family-friendly univer­sity. Appli­cants with chil­dren are very welcome. Appli­ca­tions from disa­bled people of equal apti­tude will be given preference.

Apply via our online form by June 28th, 2022, indi­ca­ting refe­rence number 362/​11. We look forward to recei­ving your application.

Refe­rence page