JOB : Postdoc, Modifiable risk factors and inequalities in cognitive ageing, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg — LIMITE : 15/​06/​2022

The Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg is an inter­na­tional research univer­sity with a distinctly multi­lin­gual and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary character. The Univer­sity was founded in 2003 and counts more than 6,700 students and more than 2,000 employees from around the world. The University’s facul­ties and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary centres focus on research in the areas of Computer Science and ICT Secu­rity, Mate­rials Science, Euro­pean and Inter­na­tional Law, Finance and Finan­cial Inno­va­tion, Educa­tion, Contem­po­rary and Digital History. In addi­tion, the Univer­sity focuses on cross-disci­pli­nary research in the areas of Data Model­ling and Simu­la­tion as well as Health and System Biome­di­cine. Times Higher Educa­tion ranks the Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg #3 world­wide for its “inter­na­tional outlook,” #20 in the Young Univer­sity Ranking 2021 and among the top 250 univer­si­ties worldwide.

The Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg (UL) invites appli­ca­tions for a postdoc posi­tion to work on the project ‘Cogni­tive Ageing : From Educa­tional Oppor­tu­ni­ties to Indi­vi­dual Risk Profiles’ funded by the Euro­pean Research Council.

Your Role

Project descrip­tion :

The impor­tance of brain health is increa­singly reco­gnized as one of the main chal­lenges of today’s ageing socie­ties and factors such as educa­tional oppor­tu­ni­ties, socioe­co­nomic condi­tions, and health beha­viours play a role in main­tai­ning brain health. The CRISP project takes a life course and social epide­mio­lo­gical pers­pec­tive to iden­tify further social and beha­vioural risk factors of impaired brain health, their inter­ac­tions and possible windows for inter­ven­tions against cogni­tive ageing. We analyse single and harmo­nized data­sets such as PIACC, the family of Health and Reti­re­ment Studies and national cohort studies with advanced quan­ti­ta­tive methods, such as methods for causal infe­rence in obser­va­tional data and machine learning.

Several sub-projects are available :

  • What was the impact of educa­tional expan­sion on today’s older cohorts” cogni­tive levels ?
  • What impact would impro­ve­ments in modi­fiable risk factors, such as educa­tion, depres­sion, or physical acti­vity have on later-life cogni­tive func­tio­ning ? Micro-simu­la­tion and other simu­la­tion methods
  • How are micro­biome, stress, and depres­sion linked with socioe­co­nomic status and cogni­tive functioning ?
  • Risk profiles and risk factor inter­ac­tions contri­bu­ting to cogni­tive ageing and dementia

The successful candi­date is expected to bring their set of skills to contri­bute to and develop one or more of the subpro­jects. Further sub-projects in line with the CRISP aims are highly encouraged.

Your tasks :

  • Contri­bute to the project’s research on cogni­tive aging and dementia
  • Conduct data analysis and prepare papers for publi­ca­tion in leading inter­na­tional peer-reviewed journals
  • Disse­mi­nate findings at confe­rences and meetings

What we expect from you

  • PhD in one of the domains rele­vant for the project, e.g. Psycho­logy, Socio­logy, Biosta­tis­tics, Public Health
  • Advanced quantitative/​statistical and program­ming skills
  • Fluency in English language
  • Strong ability to work both inde­pen­dently and as part of a team

What we offer

  • A posi­tion in a highly visible research project at the fron­tiers of know­ledge in the field of social inequa­li­ties, health, and cogni­tive ageing
  • Oppor­tu­ni­ties for further trai­ning, inter­na­tional mobi­lity, career deve­lop­ment and parti­ci­pa­tion in inter­na­tional conferences
  • A multi-disci­pli­nary, inter­na­tional, well-equipped work environment

In Short

  • Contract Type : Fixed Term Contract 25 Month
  • Work Hours : Full Time 40.0 Hours per Week
  • Loca­tion : Belval
  • Job Refe­rence : UOL04986

The yearly gross salary for every Post­doc­toral Resear­cher at the UL is EUR 77.167,08 (full time)

How to apply

Appli­ca­tions (in PDF) should be submitted online and include :

  • Curri­culum Vitae with list of publications
  • Moti­va­tion letter (1/2–1 page) detai­ling your interest to contri­bute to the CRISP project
  • Contact details of two persons with full name and insti­tu­tion that can be approa­ched as referees
  • Copies of diplomas or trans­cripts with grades if issued in a language other than English, French or German

Please apply by 15 June 2022. Appli­ca­tions will be imme­dia­tely consi­dered until the posi­tion is filled. Short­listed appli­cants will be invited for an inter­view on site or via video call.

The ERC StG project CRISP (grant no. 803239, PI : Assoc. Prof. Anja Leist) ‘Cogni­tive Aging : From Educa­tional Oppor­tu­ni­ties to Indi­vi­dual Risk Profiles’ is an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary project located in the Social Sciences. Please contact Anja Leist (anja.​leist@​uni.​lu) in case of further questions.

For candi­dates applying from outside the EU, please consult the Foreign Researcher’s Guide to Luxem­bourg.

The Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg embraces inclu­sion and diver­sity as key values. We are fully committed to remo­ving any discri­mi­na­tory barrier related to gender, and not only, in recruit­ment and career progres­sion of our staff.

Refe­rence page