JOB : PhD position in Economics, specializing in Economics of international migration, LEM, University of Lille – Deadline : 6th May 2022

The LEM (UMR 9221), a research unit of the Univer­sity of Lille, invites appli­ca­tions for a 3-years, fully funded Phd posi­tion in Econo­mics, with the emphasis on the Econo­mics of inter­na­tional migra­tion, star­ting in September 2022.

Research : The PhD student will write a PhD thesis on « From School-to-Work : How the local context and economic restruc­tu­ring affect the inter­ge­ne­ra­tional trans­mis­sion of human capital among immi­grants ». The successful candi­date will apply modern micro-econo­me­tric methods. The main objec­tive will be to discuss the chan­nels turning the educa­tional mobi­lity of the descen­dants of immi­grants into profes­sional mobi­lity as well as the quality determinants of this transfer. Special atten­tion will be paid to the analysis of the local context and the economic restruc­tu­ring of the market e.g. in terms of job pola­ri­za­tion at both ends of the quali­fi­ca­tion scale. The project will also adopt a specific gender pers­pec­tive related to the analysis of the job expan­sion patterns. The candi­date will imple­ment a compa­ra­tive analysis at regional but also inter­na­tional levels able to help iden­tify the levers to improve the dyna­mics of this mobility.

Appli­ca­tion proce­dure and dead­line
Inter­ested appli­cants should submit :

their curri­culum vitae,

trans­cripts of marks at under­gra­duate (Bachelor’s) and post­gra­duate (Master’s) level,

two letters of recom­men­da­tion from their academic refe­rees (with their contact details),

a sample of previous research work (e.g. Bache­lor’s or Master’s thesis),

a moti­va­tion letter explai­ning the reasons for which he or she wishes to under­take a PhD in this area.

Please send these to Nadiya Ukrayin­chuk and Simone Mori­coni (nadiya.ukrayinchuk@univ-lille​.fr and s.​moriconi@​ieseg.​fr ) before 7th May 2022.

Key Dates :
- Dead­line for sending complete appli­ca­tions : May 6, 2022, 23h59

- Pre-selec­tion of appli­ca­tion files with an inter­view : between 7 and 14 May, 2022

- Prepa­ra­tion of the candi­date for final inter­view : between May 15 and June 1, 2022

- Final inter­view by the Doctoral School : June 3rd 2022

All details avai­lable in the call attached.

PhD Posi­tion in Econo­mics LEM Lille 2022 – Call for Apllications