CONF : Seminar « 流散理论视角下法国华人族群经济发展的再思考 (Rethinking the Chinese Ethnic Economy in France in Diaspora) » — Friday 29 April 2022, 10h-11h30 (Paris), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and online


The Inter­na­tional Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies Lecture series

主讲人 Speaker
李志鹏博士 Dr. LI Zhipeng
法国国际移民、空间与社会研究所 ; 法国国家移民研究院
Migrinter labo­ra­tory, and French Colla­bo­ra­tive Insti­tute on Migra­tion, France

主持人 Chair­person
张慧梅博士 Dr. ZHANG Huimei
Chinese Heri­tage Centre, and Nanyang Centre for Public Admi­nis­tra­tion, Nanyang Tech­no­lo­gical Univer­sity, Singapore

主办单位 Orga­ni­sers
南洋理工大学华裔馆 Chinese Heri­tage Centre, Nanyang Tech­no­lo­gical University
南洋理工大学中华语言文化中心 Centre for Chinese Language, Nanyang Tech­no­lo­gical University
清华大学华商研究中心 Centre for Chinese Entre­pre­neurs Studies, Tsinghua University

讲座摘要 Abstract
This lecture will describe the recent deve­lop­ment of the economic acti­vi­ties of the Chinese diaspora in France, and offers a reflec­tion on the change in the geogra­phical distri­bu­tion of Chinese busi­ness esta­blish­ments since the 1980s. The data is drawn from a field surveys study in the Paris region. Firstly, this lecture will describe that the Chinese entre­pre­neu­rial orga­ni­za­tion has esta­bli­shed itself in France. Secondly, the analysis shows that the boom in import whole­sa­ling is inter­con­nected with China’s economic deve­lop­ment by compa­ring the evolu­tion of Chinese ethnic trading acti­vi­ties between 1985 and 2012. Finally, the lecture will conclude by discus­sing the trans­for­ma­tion of economic acti­vi­ties in the two coun­tries is related to the orga­ni­za­tion of the ethnic economy in diaspora.

GMT+2 10h00-11h30 (Paris) /​GMT+8 16h00-17h30 (Singa­pore)
Zoom ID : 8143259260
Pass­code :029769


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